woensdag 10 januari 2018

How To Prank Cludi

I know I know

After pranking my dearest cludi several times in a row and after some smaller pranks on Discord
I decided it's time for ...
(you'll never guess it)
... another prank     :3

Alyssa falling for my jokes stays funny, no matter how many times she falls for them
she said 'one day she won't fall for my pranks anymore'
(still waiting for that 'one day' to come tho .____. )

I'm always interested in trying out new kind of pranks, so this time I present you: the drawing prank
Not to worry, it's innocent (I always say that lol)

So, I told her I was drawing an OC of mine with the following traits:
- likes to wear pink
- big brown eyes
- girl
- brown hair
- pretty similar to me

I may have lied a liiiiiitle bit

Let's look at the progress of my drawing:

I was afraid she might recognize the character after I showing the drawing of the eye but nope

 OH? HIS eyes?   -pretends to be shocked-

at this point he looked a bit that mute dwarf from Snow White

I was and still am happy with how his eyes and face came out


this 'girl' who's totally a girl lol

oh no I 'forgot' to draw part of her hair

My friend helping me
at this point my heart was telling me I'm a bad person
... but I ignored it lol

and the final result:

Sorry for those who were hoping to see a girl ;w;

Okay, I lied
But then again, I didn't completely lie
- he likes to wear pink
- not a girl, but has some rather girly traits (I wanted to say 'girly' but forgot the y)
- he's appeared so much on my blog post that I consider him an oc now (yes, I just claimed an irl person as oc)
- big brown eyes and brown hair was true
- we do have a lot of similarities and a lot in common (ask those beatles tests if you don't believe me)

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