donderdag 4 maart 2021

Aly(ce) in AC land

 and the award for lamest title goes to ...

I decided to make a cludi character, cuz every town needs its random Scouser


Uh oh, the scorp learns about.... colours?

Disney Reportedly Considering Making a New "Nightmare Before Christmas"  Film | Inside the Magic

(^^^^^^basically a film about scorps: live in their own goth themed, dark black grey world. One day they discovers another cheerful world with things like c-c-colours?)

not suuuure,
but I think Cludi needs a tinyyy bit more space in her house

yes yes

Then I decided to spend even more money


oh yeah, the night cap represents Aly's love for sleep lol

deep down Aly is still a slvt 4 Pol,
she just very distracted by dolphins lately

then I decided to spend some money on her house interior

the before and after pictures

they sold a lot of  cute stuff ^^

n-not that sc-scorps like c-cute stuff no no   /sweats

scorpio: we are a calm sign
also scorpio:

will fuckin stab u w my shovel  è///////é

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