woensdag 10 maart 2021

November 7 scorps

 7(th of) November

sign: scorpio

The day of discovery

Those born on November 7th usually aren't scared of new adventures, and it's not just for kicks. Their need to explore, to investigate and to discover is the main motivation in their life; whether it's humble, something personal or something bigger, they give it their all, with no compromises.
Those born on this day are curious about everything surrounding them and are especially interested in learning new techniques regarding their craft or job. They love to disassemble and assemble things and discover how these things work, sometimes even without instructions or without reading books about this topic. In this respect they are lifelong students, always busy improving and eventually perfecting things. Although November 7 people are open to experiment and learn by trial and error, they set high standards and are rarely satisfied with their own work or that of others, unless it's 100% okay. This is why they can be very demanding.
These people love cosiness and can be very entertaining and charming. Sadly it can sometimes be, whether it's on purpose or not, be deceiving because their true affection is only reserved for few people. Woe to those who take the friendliness of November 7 people too seriously. Especially women born on this day, often set strict boundaries which are better not to be crossed. Since they're heartbreakers, it's risky to fall in love with them. Both men and women born on November 7 can be ruthless when it comes to emotional matters and are capable of hurting the feelings of others when things turn into a power play. Those who approach them with genuine intentions and openness won't experience a lot of resistence; in fact they can be very friendly and loving in this case.
Those born on this day love challenges and can suffer when they're stuck in a regular job, a stagnant family life or a hopelessly civil routine. They cause many of their problems themselves or they are caused by boreddom or the need to compete. This is why those born on this day need to learn to set a goal for themselves, especially personally, which makes them grow both mentally and spiritually and to teach themselves self-discipline to work on this without distracting themselves. Self discovery, often ignored because they are outward-looking from a young age on, should take up an important part of their life, when they're 35 and/or older. The problem is that November 7 people tend to be lazy and dangerously smug when they get older. The biggest danger is that this causes their confidence to decrease and they start thinking negatively about themselves and their capacities. This is how they can, unconsciously, become their own worst enemy. That's why it's incredibly important to keep a positive attitude on life and their place within it.

Predictable statements about yourself, supposedly self-fulfilling prophecies, often come true.


These people need to watch out for problems regarding digestion-, excretion- and reproduction organs. Women born on this day need to carefully examine negative effects of contraception or pills. Men need to pay attention to chronincal symptoms of the urethra, blather and prostate. These people usually love tasty food and are often excellent chefs and/or wine experts. Although they're curious about all kinds of culinary combinations, they need to be careful when it comes to obesity and alcohol addiction, especially when they get older. Most November 7 people love sex and exercise, and don't need encouragement in that regard.


Think more positively about yourself and don't allow yourself to vegetate. Set personal goals for yourself and work on those. Avoid emtionally hurtful situations and keep sexual impulses under control.





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