maandag 22 maart 2021

frozen memes but not really cuz it's really aly

 fren: u can trust me

mum: alyssa, what are you doi-

meanwhile in bracla

"englis is me netiv langwish'

2015 aly, every time she passed her reflection: ye I'm a pretty handsome girl

when you've been staring at pictures of 78 year old men and realise how weird ur fetish is

thinking of delfiniiii, j-just thinking

"la wevedewe"

level of ...uh........"excitement"

"not on my watch"

'muuuuuum, i need my alone time'

me: are u into miley
aly: -shrugs-
aly: no
me: okay, but now look me in the eyes
aly: gotta go, m-m-mum is va-vacuum cleaning

no one:
not even Frozen II:


when u see ur godmother enter the room with melon wine

aly: vinooo te roggg

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