donderdag 18 maart 2021

scorpies n ze feels

 idk I came up with this

Scorpio: the other signs kept talking about this thing

Scorpio: uh what was it called again?

Scorpio: emi- emu- e-emo...shun?

Scorpio: a-anyway it sounds highly contagious so I've decided to just stay away from every single one of them and become a loner


Other signs teasing scorps be like

Other sign: -pokes-

Other sign: oh no, looks like you contracted my emoshun -gasp- ehehe


6 Signs That Exam Season Is Upon Us - Beyond Blog

Bonus 2:

Scorpio: -receives message of friend checking in on them since they now avoid frens-

Scorpio: oooo message

Scorpio: -happy- °v°

Scorpio: oh no, what's this...

The Grinch Feelings GIF | Gfycat

Fren 1: oh they replied

Message: now I have ur awful emishun condition, too. I hOpE yOu'Re hApPy    è__é

Fren 1: -turns to other fren-

fren 2: -shrugs-

Fren 2: that's just how Scorpios show affection

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