donderdag 25 februari 2021

cringyyyy: early teens

 so we got access to an old laptop (and by old I mean even older than the Vista)
and there are quite a lot of treasures on there aka bootiful cringe pics of lil me

what can I say
once a dork, always a dork

ADDICTED TO FROZEN — thesvenqueen: 1. She uses Kristoff's shoulder to...

I seriously miss this top
(I miss all my 2000s clothes tbh. I wish I could get them all back in my current clothing size)
that skirt I loved so much, I was genuinely sad when I had to give it away :(
brb plânging over skirt chan

some pictures of me going on ski trip with school

camera: near me
me: lookit my poses bichhh


fun fact: I used to claim pink isn't my favourite colour

why was I so blonde

I dunno what my sister was on

but I joined her anyway

I look like I'm snorting coke

when ya wanna watch the fireworks but you're also a wuss

so you might remember this scouse video

Decent Patter on Twitter: "Look at that on me head 🤣🤣"

and I found this picture of me

lil me confused because of a waterfall

am I cool yet
my god I hate this picture

taurus: omg we're not obsessed w food, stop saying thattt
also taurus near food:

(the real story was lil me being proud of her bread snake she made lol)


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