woensdag 17 februari 2021

rainbows and dolphins

 so, over the past year I created kind of an unhealthy habit

online shopping when I'm bored

first I got cute rainbow stuff: a dress

(I can never have enough rainbow items hehe)

today I tried to match my make up with the dress, I still need to work on it ;;

and the second item is dolphins,

I also picked up another hobby: painting. I usually draw things and paint them afterwards but I always wanted to try these painting by numbers

it says you need to be at least 11 years old and I'm mentally 12 so no problem!


ze box


look at these cute cardboard thingies to put ur different colours of paint in

je suis une vraie artiste oui oui

and omg
(ignore the bad picture quality, but)
there's glitter to put on the painting, a indigo frame with lil sparkles in it and varnish to make it extra shiny afterwards

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