zaterdag 13 februari 2021

scorp memes

 I don't have an intro except that bugging scorps is fun so let's just get started

1. It's all fine until u mention the F-word




3. affection

others greeting friends:
omg hey I missed uuu

Image result for whatup peasants gif


scorp: Me? I-intense?
scorp: QwQ
scorp: N-no
scorp: conceal, don't feel

Image result for suck in tears gif

5. ok, maybe cry a liiiiittle bit

scorpio be like

also scorpio

bonus: actual representation of us watching Frozen

Image result for lieutenant mattias frozen 2 gif

the "stoic and emotionless scorp" at the left
and the "overly emotional and sensitive taurus" at the right

but I didn't cry first time watching Coco either, so I guess I'm just heartless lol



scorpio: I am one of the calm signs =w=
-one intense remark later-

 Image result for pulling out  knife gif


7. it's not me, it's u guys


friends: we're gathered here today cuz we think you can be a little bit int- I mean suspicious of other sometimes
scorpio: what
friends: maybe just trust us a little bit heh
Later, when a friend tries to organise a surprise for them

scorpio: ok, guys
scorpio: I did a tiny bit of research and

Image result for conspiracy theory meme gif

scorpio: I found evidence our friend is a LIAR
friends: noo, calm down
scorpio: -eye twitch-
friends: -turn around-
friends: maybe organising a surprise wasn't the best idea



 Image result for i am not crazy gif

 not crazy just a bit intense that's all


 8. Just another night out with the fellas

ok, who of you rascals mentioned the forbidden I word?

also, taurus just has their priorities straight


friends: -made joke about black clothing or whatever-
scorpio: whatever, idc
scorpio: I have better friends anyway
scorpio: way cooler than u guyyys


Image result for dramatic cape exit gif

is it a flying black cape? is it a superhero?
no, it's scorpio leaving dramatically

-later at scorp's house-

scorpio: at least u guys are my real friends ;;

Image result for hugging plushies  gif



friend: -hugs-
scorpio: eww affection grooooss

scorpio: why u guys always nag about ur emotions, so lame

scorpio: hah u guys think I care
scorpio: na ah, I'm too tough to care

scorpio: I'm better off alone anyway uwu

also scorpio:

Image result for why don't people like me gif

scorpio: my friends probably don't like me, I dunno why
scorpio: maaaaybe
scorpio: cuz I'm just misunderstood, yeah, that must be it

 Image result for misunderstood gif

 "but that's okay, it's part being eDgY"



 Remember, kids, not coping with emotions is fine as long as you're dressed as the vampire goth friend in ur squad
I guess?

 10. One day I'll be colourful 

Scorpio: -flustered-

Scorpio: don't look at me like that

Scorpio: y-you know we can't b-be seem together in public ;;

Staff, in the background: wait, is that person talking to a clothing rack?

11. Ode to dragon plushie 

Aly's mum: aww what a cute plushie

Aly's mum: I should get this for my daughter, it's not like she'll get attached to it or anything, haha


Aly: -eyes still red from obvious plânging-

Aly: muuuum, have u seen dragon plush, he's missing

Aly's mum: crap

Never separate a scorp from their plushie, that's even more heartless than not crying for Olaf

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