dinsdag 16 februari 2021

how to turn ur scorp into a scorpie

 this is, laich, the third blog post in a row with 'scorp' in the title

Do I have a favourite sign that I like better than others? Why yes ofcourse, TAURUS //sweats

so I decided to work on a list. a list for?
well, let's say I have this friend not mentioning names
we all know she's a softie or should I say SCORPIE hehe

but we all know what dem scorps are like
all a bunch of softies, but always gotta act like they be tough and dark
or act like they're a viLlAInN in her case ;D

so this year I wanna bring out her soft side

although I must admit she already has shown small bits of softness

and we know scorps don't like being exposed, so u didn't hear this from me haha

Image result for you didn't hear it from me

so far we've had:

- "I warm me hands for Paul"
- crying for Paul
- crying for dolphins
- more crying for dolpins cuz dolphins r love dolphins r life
- expressing love for cute pink clothing
- love for rainbows owo
- looking at old hannah montana stuff and reminiscing "ah remember that time I was gay for hannah' (sadly she became tsun again ;c )
- already crying during Frozen II even though nothing happened
- stopping the conversation in the middle of a call just so u can look up stuff about dolphins' feelings lol
- being sad about not seeing rainbows irl
- looking all over romania to find heart-shaped glasses
- more simping for dolphins
- and the list goes on

so there is progress, on the planning of 2021 we have

- watching Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks/etc cute films TO BRING OUT THOSE SCORP TEARS heheheheehheeh
(scorp tears are the rarest of them all)
- playing animal crossing together (later New Horizons)
OFCOURSE she only plays the game cuz I wanna play it not cuz she wants to, no no, she's a tough scorp who no likes cute games uwu
- getting fairy lights in her room, preferably pink ones hoho
- forcing her to get rainbow clothing

Summer 2021, still no rainbow clothing in Aly's closet

me: ok, that's it
me: time for drastic measures
me: -books plane ticket to Romania asap-
me: -arrives in Bucharest-
me: -train to Bracla-
me: -walks to Aly's house-
me: Buna ziuaaaa
Aly's mum: /not even surprised I'm there, will probably even show me where the brownies are
Aly's mum: salut ^^
me: -walks to Aly's room to drag her out-
-insert scorp complaing about daylight too bright and 'u can't tell me what to do I'm to tough to listen to u, I'll get me knife if u don't let me go- blablabla'  here' -
me: la revedere
Aly's mum: pe curând ^^
me: -drags her all the way to Bracla mall-
me: -buys every single rainbow item-  and some for me

wow damn, u read the entire lame blog post. Here is a meme as a reward

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