zaterdag 20 februari 2021


 so I twisted my ankle a few weeks ago. In the past week or so I managed to turn my ankle badly 3 times (3rd time's the charm, amiriiight ahahahhahahelp). So I should rest. But like a true taurus I'm incredibly stubborn and went out. Walking. 25.000 steps. Becuz I can uwu

so I went to Antwerpen. I was very lucky cuz today was a sunny day. It kinda felt like Spring.


Found a drink for scorps

When colours make you cry so you can only drink black 


And even perfume for scorps :0

Went to the small shop with mangas, candy, pokemon stuff etc and got me some cute snacks 

IT nerds

 got myself two of these


Before you judge me for getting another plushie, I've been going to this store for several months. Always saw this plushie. No one else bought it. It was waiting for me owo 

 with its family in the background

Love = sharing your food with pigeons 

Today's outfit

Pink and rainbows 💗🌈

alwaaaays walking, my ankle is now low-key broken and hates me but ooh welllll hehe

wHo Is ShE

always looking for rainbows everywheeereee

Some cute decorations from Valentine's day 

I need this dress :0 ✨✨✨

Ngl, I'm was kinda lost but I found my way back 

Waiting for my fren :3 I'm way too early as usual, but that's okay I found a nice place in the sun



third wheeling like a pro   ;)

we all got us some really yummy noodles

(I always eat noodles when I'm in Antwerpen lol)

can we appreciate my rainbow dress and matching rainbow socks

my friend offered me free dinner. went over to his place to watch some Kingdom Hearts III and I had to rest a bit oops

still the easiest way to spot a scorp, full black outfit

I got cooking lessons lol

aww yiiiis

present from my friend, we met up so she could give it to me

omw home, part 1

This station is low-key creepy but at least the stairs are shiny 

a good picture of my outfit owo

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