vrijdag 12 februari 2021

Dutch for Dummies.com

 Am I trying to convince Aly to continue her Dutch studies by making funny posts?

Let's learn some easy Dutch words by looking at Bol.com ads

so Bol.com is a Dutch online site that sells lots of stuff sponsored by madu it's where I got scorp plush hehe  <3
the best part is probably their FB page and the adds they post. They love to advertise by making memes. The replies of the customer service can be on point, too

so I figured it might be a fun way to look at some rather basic Dutch vocabulary

1 stem = voice 

"(I) just heard my own voice, (I thought) it was terrible" 

2. spin = spider 

A spider joke especially for you    ;D


 You looked at: Halloween spider

Also interesting: gas tank


Rita: Spiders are so useful, and I think they're pretty
Bol.com: Very pretty and cute, but only seen on a screen or from at least 25km distance

Gine: Asking for a friend, do you also sell  flamethrowers?
Bol.com: We do sell deodorants, with which you can create the same effect (but you didn't hear this advice from us!!).

3. Gasten = guests 

(singular = gast) 

"it's a good thing he only has two guests visiting"

Caption = only the very best films are so far ahead of their time

4. Weg = way

(cooling mat/blanket)
very chill
dog gets in the way

"way" is used as 'road, path, street, etc'
but also used in expressions

5. hond = dog

6. kast = wardrobe, closet

May be an image of text that says "Bezorgd Kast Onderweg IBCT relatie therapie Beem Relatietherapie bol.com"

delivered: wardrobe
on its way: relationship therapy

easy one
7. foto =  photo

8. album = album
combine them and ... fotoalbum, tada

May be an image of text that says "Fotoalbum 2020: bol.com"

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