zondag 10 februari 2019

This foreign concept of self-acceptance


I'll get to the point.I've been struggling. Struggling to not have pastries for breakfast every time I go out, but that's a different story.
This is about the struggle called 'accepting all parts of yourself'. Even though you're not sure whether they're even acceptable
(watch this blog post get vaguer by the minute, lol)


At one point you need to look in the mirror and the facts. N- not that I want ... to, but.
So ... what does this make me realise:
-I don't mind "some" alcohol
-I don't mind laying all wasted on the floor at home while Paul McCartney music plays in the background
-I don't mind being obsessed with the Beatles and spamming friends
-I don't mind being called cheap or ending up known as 'one of the common people'
-Weirdo? Ye, that me
-I currently don't have a job
-John Lennon is the number 1 senpai of senpais
-I can live in tracks suits the rest of my life

Diagnose? I'm terminal...ly Scouse ;w;

Oh, I might be ignoring some smaaall other fact here... Which brings me to the following point...

Being (mentally) Scouse?

Turning into Paul?
I-I c-can live with tha..t, too


Well, I guess my time will soon come. To pick me up to this rather 'special' lil place, united with my track buddies
I guess what this lil post here is trying to say is that ... If I, someone who mocks Scousers and makes blog posts and memes about them, can accept it. Then who knows, perhaps anyone can accept who they truly are ...  except Alyssa for she is a lil shit

Because if you're only going hide what you are and never take pride in it, then why be it in the first place?

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