vrijdag 22 februari 2019

the "which one is it"

When you truly love something, you will always be able to recognise it. Even when the other options look so very similarrrr.
But that's not a problem, becuz Alyssa claims the following:
"ah luv me hoemtawn vewi much, wa' u be saayn, madu, shaem? me? ah ain't nu ashaemt nu ufcurz no', nu wei"

So, today's game: recognise Liverpool!

1. Terraced houses:

2. Random building/streetview:

3. JD sports
(very important store for all the basic needs of Scousers)

4. the luvely seaside

AND LAST but ofc not least:
5. all time favourite, most beloved, handsome, awesome heroes that each Scouser loves even more than their own spouse: the Beatles

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