woensdag 20 februari 2019

the OTP5EVA is in danger... again ... I've lost count rip

It was an average day in the city of Liverpool. The apocalypse was still going on, as usual.Scousers were still  trying to speak decent Engli- WOAH WOAH WAIT WAS IT REALLY THAT AVERAGE?
Looks like something was going wrong in the Kingdom
(Which proves once again that these fcking marginals cannot do one thing right in their life. Geez, this city's really on its way to doom)

What was going on you may ask?

THE OTV5EVA is in danger ... again 

Let's have a small overview of the luv between teh kwin and her partner:

it all started with Ehlesseh being a tsun-tsun
"siNCe WhEN DId AH Say PaUl IS BAe???"
kinda ironic, because in the meantime she ... what was it again? "warmed her hands", when thinking about Paul
(scouse logic, me fwiends)

Ehlesseh rejected her future love and it was around that this time that paul started noticing his interest in ... the opposite gender

and what about  teh Kwin you ask? Well, she kept loving mostly herself (some things never change)
"too hawt for u"

HOWEVER, something in Alyssa seemed to be changing
she couldn't help thinking about Liver...Pawl??? 

hmm, interesting!

ofcourse our boii Pawl is too oblivious to see through this layer of tsundere-ness (?)
and kept believing that his kwin doesn't luv him ye ye ye
At one point he was that desperate that he consulted the good ol scaws witch
(every scouser's a witch, including my beloved johnny boii ;v; )
even turned himself into mac-n-cheese to win over her heart
eventually these two lovebirds got united
and everything seemed fine
yep, she's dating Pau-


as my friend Alyssa once said:
Poorrrr Pawwl  ;;

Honestly, she's still surprised Paul is pretty "close" with his male bff?
to be gay
I mean
continued  c:

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