woensdag 13 februari 2019

I have no Valentine, therefore have a gif

Well, this idea originally came from two things:
- me wanting to look for a fitting gif(s) for those lil conversations I always write (& not always finding the right ones)
- having this silly idea in my head earlier (about another of those would-be conversationslol)

LET'S JUST SAY THE MCLENNON IS STRONG IN MAH LAIF ATM where is therapy room for addicts lol help me ;;
I even postponed drawing Roro for those gay fckers
So I got this lil idea right in time for it is a romantic one ... sorta

Anyway, don't get your hopes up high, it's a gif
not just any gif, but drawn by me
my normal drawing is already bad, and this is done faster so you can imagine how cringy is it ahahahahahaahsniff

The idea behind it was John aka another addiction of mine
and Paul ofcourse  :c
I was thinking of this lil thing going on between them and thought why not try to recreate it myself?

I kept thinking:
this Paul dude hmm, he must've used his puppy eyes in his own advantage, no?
Especially to those who secretly or not so secretly admire him, no?

so here's my gif, enjoy (not really xd)
OKAY WHO TF PUT A BOW IN JOHN'S HEAD I blame Paul lol as usual

But in all more seriousness
every Beatle has its role and we all know John's:
acting tough, secretly hiding his emotions (hmm, do I hear 'a bit macho sometimes?' XD) but I actually wanna show more of his softer side

we all know he has a softer side for certain friends eheh
which brings us to the thing I least like about him: his taste in men ;c

le end~

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