zaterdag 21 november 2015

the lehverpowl family in sims 4~

oki, we all know how Sims 4 (or the other Sims games) is perfect to create OTPs and have them have kids, a life (that you're in charge of, huhuhuhu) and so on...

well, I decided to make my Lehverpowl OTP (aka Cludi and Pawl) on Sims4
have some pics:

cludi was a little excited about getting engaged XDD
I have to admit: there are times when I think Cludi sim might be crazyyyy

                judging you face (even though we're engaged)

                                            I decided to let Cludi sim learn to creative skill
                                       one of the first things she painted was a pony (doesn't that bring back DA memories, Cludi? ;D )

                                   Cludi painted a weird bunny that seems up to something
I put the painting in their bedroom XD

oooh and Cludi and Pawl became parents haahaha
Cludi sim is pregnant
Pawl sim doesn't seem to understand how that could've happened
that's weird....cause Pawl sim was involved...

Cludi sim seems to be having a midlife crisis
even though she's a young adult (lol wot)

Cludi: mommy is about to tell you teh gritest joke everrr

Cludi: -CUCKLE- ehehehe

Oh and we can prove that this is Cludi's daughter
you know what they say, like mother like daughter

and here we have Cludi dealing with being a mommy
Cludi: my teenage daughter is on fire.....well shet....-stares-

We'll end with the typical Liverpudlian expression

I love this sims couple, they're so derpy X3   XDDD

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