zondag 22 november 2015

Some extra Liverpudlian class

Liverpool is an interesting city full of :
-The Beatles tributes
-weirdos that only show their faces whenever they hear the word 'Beatles' (aka Liverpudlians)
-The Beatles tributes
-sometimes Paul McCartney (but only when he decides he wanna go home, look at his hometown,       think about the good ol' days and sob a little)
-and the Scouse dialect full of mumbling!

Liverpool is a peculiar place, so we wanna teach you as much as possible about this unique town where the concept of fangirling was found!

Time for some small lessons:

1. The Cludi persona aka the Queen of Liverpool
So we all know Queen Cludi uf Lehverpowl by now: serious and intimidating on the outside, a real fegito (aka born and raised in liverpool) on the inside
But did you know this? :
-Kwin Cludi is a pro-cuckler
-Kwin Cludi is not only Liverpudlian, which is good for Liverpool's economics. And let's face it: A city of Liverpool needs to become friends with some other countries instead of daydreaming about boysbands all day
 -All the Paul McCartney pics you can find on the internet, can also be found on Cludi's computer. We haven't figured out where, 'cause they're in THE SECRET FILES DEPARTMENT ho ho  °v°

2. The Queen (Elizabeth II, the Queen of the U.K.) in Liverpool

Philip: Great news, darling! We get to visit another British city!

Elizabeth: Oh? Which city?

Philip: We're going to LIVERPOOL!!!! :D

Elizabeth: Oh.....T-That's...g-greaaaaat
                  -eye twitch-

    ^ Queen Elizabeth during her stay in Liverpool, hiding from Beatles-fanboys and fangirls

Philip: Come on, Darling! sing along!

 Elizabeth: Philip, I swear to God!

-mumbling- Just wait until I find that Paul McCartney!

3. Which Beatle has which reputation?


George: Pawl senpai, please protect me from all the fangirls

Paul: Ofcourse, Cludi, I'm your husband after all <3

George: ................
George: I'm.....George, remember?

Paul:  °o°
Paul:I KNEW THAT......................woa this is .....awkward e___e;


Ringo: yeee, that's right gehrls! look at this perfect outfit and scream. I can't help it that I'm beautiful u.u
Even Pawl senpai said I'm pretty that one time when George and John weren't around and w-

Paul: RINGO SHHHH - that's OUR secret 
       -coughs awkwardly-   O////O


John: listen, Paul. I don't care if you make love to everyone in Liverpool. Just keep your hands of me. Oh and one more thing: my songs are better u.u  Just sayin'

 John: Why Paul, you look rather stupid in this group photo

Paul: °o°

John: Yes, my fellow musicians, this is what we call a burn  c:<

George: OH SHET D:
Ringo: John's sass is back!
Photographer: okay everyone pose for the group photo!

George: -actually posing and being a good boy- I'm wearing my prettiest outfit today
John: we're all wearing the same clothes, George!
George:  ;w;

Ringo: woa shet, I'm sooo high roight naw. that was some good dru- I mean drums I played on >____>

Paul: Guys, I thought about it for a while....and I realised....I don't like sitting still :c
Everyone else: shut up and smile!

John: I don't care whether I'm smiling or not...as long as I look better than McCartney
(check out John's Lehverputliehn sweg in this pic)

TO END WITH: a derpy conversation between English cities

5 English cities decide to meet

Birmingham: looks like the Pool bros are late again
Manchester: they're probably derping around again... -sigh-
-Backpool and Liverpool walk in-
Leeds: look, there they are!
Birmingham: -turns to Manchester- Wanna bet? I get 5 pounds if that Liverpool guy starts talking about that boysband again!
Manchester: sure! I mean, he's not that crazy...he doesn't talk about them every day.....right? 
-Blackpool and Liverpool sit down-
Liverpool: -talking in decent English, trying to hide to Scaws aksent- Great news, gentleman! My city has come up with a plan to become famous again!
Leeds: Oh?
Liverpool: They found new Beatles songs that aren't released yet! -fangirl squeal-
Blackpool: -ugh- bro, please talk about something else....you've already told me this story 5 times. and that was just today =____=
Manchester: not this again....
Birmingham: looks like I'll get 5 pounds ha!
Birmingham: look, mate....I don't know how to put this but.....These Beatles of yours broke up.... 
Liverpool: yo-you're....just...jealous -teary eyed-
Birmingham: besides, half them are dead -smirks-
Manchester, Blackpool & Leeds: OH NO HE DIDN'T
Blackpool: -looks next to him- Bro?  are.....u.....okay  -pokes Liverpool-
Liverpool: -paralysed-    QwQ -shivers-

Birmingham used 'reality check'
Liverpool fainted!
It was very effective

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