dinsdag 10 november 2015

Meanwhile in Brussels...

 'Kay, after all the Liverpool posts it's time for a normal post
(no offense Liverpool)

Today I had the day off and went to Brussels
November and December are some of the best months to be in Brussels 'cause
-the parks look lovely during Autumn
-Brussels looks cute during the holiday season ^--^

 okay, first there's the Botanique/Kruidtuin
it's a park, very close to central Brussels
there are two parts
part one: park and pound

                                      Like I said the colours look lovely during Autumn
                                       The park is perfect to spend Autumn and Winter afternoons in

                                                   part two: the fancy part
                                                       aka the aesthetically pleasing part
                                                   the hedges all have pretty shapes
                                                    this one looked like an ice crystal

                                                      this part of the park is slightly bigger and there are some paths

                                            I call this the fancy part 'cause there is an old building
                                             from the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th century
                                                and there are some fancy statues

                                                     cute flowers
                                                        and I love purple

                                                     I love lions
                                          My face when someone tells me I do love Liverpool

                                                oh look, there's the actual city °v°
                                     a better picture of the monument
                                    often used for exhibitions

then I went to the park in front of the Royal Palace: Warandepark
                                         and...there a ...fitness
                                         lol ok X3

                                         the Royal Palace

                                        yay for the first Christmas decorations
                                        once it's December, Brussels will be full of these >w<

                                         it says DANISH tavern and now I really want to go in there

                                                   soooo sparklyyyy °-----°

                                                I was walking around in the centre of Brussels
                                               thinking about the Beatles (I know, I suffer from Beatlemania XD)
                                              I looked up and the first thing I saw was a restaurant named Paul XD
                                              goddamit, Liverpool
 Italians were here

                    I love love love this skirt

                                              the fancy business part of Brussels

                                                     this rose is living the lonely life

                                                 rainbow spiderweb

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