zaterdag 18 november 2017

Father Paul

well, the title pretty much explains it, a blog post about paul and his family

It was now the 1970s. Paul had long ago retired from being a Beatle, put those shenanigans behind him. Does that mean he stopped being derp, you may ask? hell no (it's still Paul we're talking about here lol)

Congrats Linda, you now have to kids to take care of

yep, she takes after the father
turns out you can inherit derp

he got lost in his own garden (?)

at least his fashion sense improved

aww the kid is trying to fly away

only a few years old and already tired of her father's bullshit

paul got owned by a toddler
I am not surprised

guess who had no idea where they were

'shit we lost Linda, where are we James?'

'I'm not like a regular dad, I'm a cool dad'

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