donderdag 16 november 2017

Another throwback cuz why not~

So, a few days ago I saw this post on FB that said: 'bring back the scene kid era'

And this reminded me of Netlog (it's a weird sites for teenage wannabes, don't go there). If there's one thing I remember about Netlog, it's all the profiles of the Scene Emo kids (my god, there were so many)

(I wasn't one of them, just to be clear)

So here we go: a throwback to one of my most embarrassing accounts (yes, I had more than one).

it's super weird to look at an account you used when you were a teenager and to see '24 years old'

milkyway is liiiiife
 the caption says:
'For any one you who think I'm a well-organised person, you're wrong! This is what I do at midnight

No but wait there were people who thought I had a clean room???

15th birthday partaay
(May 2nd 2008)
Suddenly all the lights went out and they brought me this cake with those fireworks thingies on it
+- 3 years later, for my 18th birthday, my mom and best friends did the same thing (this time with music). And I was sitting there like the huge dork I am like 'Oh boy, I wonder whose birthday that's for haha'
(these surprises are probably one of the reasons why I became paranoid)

I was up to something, but I don't remember what


one of the few good pictures that was taken during my teenage years

meanwhile on the countryside ...

messing around with my sister's mac

hipster buddies 4 life

looks pretty decent for a pic taken by me

hipster buddies 4 life: part two

I don't even know what I was doing here

I obviously had a favourite filter

smoll pupper

I remember this hairstyle

when I look at some of these pictures I am not surprised I ended up being mentally Scouse

oh hi

staring right through ur soulllll

#nofilter #natural

for a dinner for my 18th birthday

remember 'hipster buddies' this is them now, feel old yet?
(by now I mean 2011  :v )

picture taken in the Yorkshire Dales
look at how blonde I was
(I'm still mentally blonde tho)

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