dinsdag 14 november 2017

-narcism increases-

You're probably thinking: the person behind this blog is probably some old, lonely ghost who doesn't have a life...
...and that's not too far off actually -hmm-

Since I pretty much always almost post about the Beatles and mock Paul, I thought:
'Hey, why not mock myself for once?'
So I decided to do blog post about myself    -egocentrism increases-

- born in '93, the year of the Macareeeena
- Gryffindor
- Bi
-glitter and neon colours
-Beatlemania owns my soul
- Obsessed with France and its ppl :heart:

Little me

kawaii desu

(all the next pics are taken in Cyprus btw) (age: 12)

once an attenion hoe, always an attention hoe
(when I look at this pic I feel like pushing myself into the pool tbh)

one of the few pics I actually like because I actually look cute
(hard to believe it's me)

 'mom can u stahp taking pics I just wanna eat k'
(food is laif. same goes for buffets)

have u ever seen someone being THAT focused on drinking cola
cola is laif ;w;

.: some childhood facts :.
- when I was in high school I was never in the same class as when I was with my best friends. I mean there were always people I got along with, but I was pretty much a nerd. I was that kid who always sat by herself in class and never paid attention to the lessons (unless it was English or History XDD history nerrrd over here >w> ) because I was always making doodles instead of taking notes

- When I was a kid I was actually a pretty extrovert and flamboyant kid, kinda like the person I am today. During my teenage years I was introvert because of bullying. I'm the kind of person who easily gets distracted, probably because I have a big imagination and sometimes tend to live in a world of my own (I'm pretty much Alice in Wonderland). I guess people mistook this for being too quiet and they started teasing me about it. These made me insecure and made me become introvert.
I stayed like that during my highschool years.
However, when I started college, I decided to try and change myself. I don't mind introvert people (most of my friends are, after all). But it's not what I'm truly like. On the inside I have always stayed the extrovert I had been since I was little. During highschool I often felt like I had to hide this side of me because I was afraid people would think I'm weird and mock me etc. (some people mocked me because my clothes were super colourful and I started dressing in grey/brown/black/white when I went to school)

-I hung out with my group of friends, one of them was this super shy and introverted girl. When I was with friends I was always myself. This girl thought I was funny (let's be honest who doesn't), because I was so different compared to her. And I was this random person who always said silly things. Then one day she told me:
'You're weird, but in a nice way'
(quick time travel to college times again)
This was actually one of the things that encouraged me to become the extrovert I was once again.

- One of the most important things I learnt was: to accept being the weirdo that I am. I am this weird and silly person and I was tired of pretending to be this quiet girl just because people might judge me.
besides, turns out there's no cure for being a weirdo anyways -shrugs-

- I actually say 'thanks' when people tell me I'm weird. Some people say it when they try to insult me and they're always super confused when I thank them ahahha

Boii, am I sure happy to see these pics again (I think this is called torturing one self)

Me as a 12 year old
I just realised this pic was taken half my life ago (12 vs. 24)

at the fair, living a vague life
(not everything changes over the years)
age: 16 ( I think? )

let's appreciate how much I bleached my hair to the point that some of my hair even looked blond
(also: pic was taken at home, so I was my colourful self)
age: 16

I was so done with highschool lol
and here I was probably being a loner
(again, some things just don't change)

My first holiday to London
I look this confused in all these pics
(hard to believe I even have memories of this holiday :/ )
age: 15

looking derp at the camera again
age: 18
(see? once u survived those teenage years, ur beauty actually returns)

and people say I didn't become prettier hah

hmmm, small summary:
- at one point I was a chubby child
- I look derp/confused at cameras
- like to wear pink
- love to eat/love buffets
- brown hair/brown eyes

haha no way I am Paul, like where do these tests get the idea lol (I don't wanna talk about it ;w;)

In the category: some things never change:
- still scared in the dark (it's a scary place k ;w; )
- still obsessed w glitter/pink/purple/shiny stuff)
- still the favourite grandchild (one of my grandma's told my sisters I'm the one with the prettiest face HAH)

- when I was little I was a spoiled brat that wore pink 24/7 and almost always got what she wanted
- I like making up conspiracy theories, about: Venice, Liverpool, friends, my future, illuminati, Paul McCartney, etc
- I have all sorts of phobias: fear of falling, dark, heights, Venice and its gondolas but my biggest fear is dogs and barking
- in the group of friends, I'm the annoying one :v and I'm proud of it

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