since he is my favourite Beatle...
THERE CLUDI I SAID IT u happy now u gonna stop throwing that sassy emoji at me
(^^^once a lil shiet, always a lil shiet^^^)
(wait, expressing my love for Paul...b-by not mocking him?? By actually saying ni-nice things??)
And before you scouse ppl think deducation is an actual English word, it's education and deduction combined
(if I'm gonna teach u about Beatles, I might teach you some English as well ;D while we're at it)
'Cuz we're gonna do deduction, Beatles deduction (very basic lol)
Ok, what do we need:
- common sense
- A pic of ur fav Battle:
This is what I found on Twitter:
now what do we notice here:
1. if you click on the actual post you will notice something
it was posted at 1 am! wait, shouldn't retired men be in bed at that time? staying up late like that, on the internet :/ just wait until momma John hears about your internet shenaningans, up there in heaven
2. Now look at Paul and his expression. For a long time I thought: that silly I-look-like-someone-asked-me-something-supah-difficult or I-look-like-I-have-no-idea-what-is-going-and-where-I-am expression is gone, he looks a bit wiser these days.
that man has zero clues where he is and why those walls around him are so shiny. someone probably took him out of his beloved closet where he decided to live, since taking out the elderly for walks etc is important, too. Just look at that lost pupper.
If found, please return to the elderly care in Walton, Liverpool, UK X3
the famous ogm-John-where-did-you-bring-me-this-time-this-is-not-Liverpool (while being in Liverpool) expression
3. Not Paul or Beatles related but, LOOK AT THAT SHINY WALL
4. Just look how sad his guitar is, they're replaced by a new one
'Just remember who loved you back when you were young, not famous and a chubby teenager, Pawl' - Guitar Senpai
5. Talking about his guitar, does he seriously own a guitar with himself on it XDDDD ahahahaha
yes, yes he does X3
6. Since we're talking about guitars all the time. Let's move on to something that has to do with guitars but that might be even more important to him: CAKE
that's it~
Oh and I found something for those -Paul, like, totally died in 1966 and that guy walking aound these days is an imposter- idiots
I MEAN, look at Paul trying to be...Paul (?)
UGHhe doesn't even look like him
young Paul clearly doesn't have white hair and wrinkles so it's clearly an imposter
Today's lesson: people age, get over it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
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