donderdag 13 mei 2021

for u


⦁    sparkly eyes
⦁    soft looking hair that kind of bounces at the ends
⦁    fair skin
⦁    your nose (I know you won't believe me, but it suits your face. fight me. but remember that bulls can trample lil scorpions during a battle  uwu)
⦁    nice hands, look refined (not sure that's the word I'm looking for, but they do look elegant)
⦁    soft looking eyes, yet determined
⦁    good built, not too small but not too tall either
⦁    actually when you think of it you're a good mix of both Romanian and Scouse features: olive skin yet pale (that's a good thing, yes), blue eyes yet a rather Romanian eye shape (don't ask me why but I can often recognise Romanians by looking at their faces)
⦁    good taste in clothing
⦁    great figure, by that I mean many girls would be jealous
⦁    your hips aren't too big, even though you once claimed they were
⦁    almond shaped eyes
⦁    overall a soft look, soft eye colour soft eyes and soft skin tone (yes I keep using 'soft' cuz dem scorps hate hearing it, hahahah)



⦁    empath
⦁    a good soul  (not a vILLaIN, like you claim ;) )
⦁    probably a bit too good sometimes, make sure people don't take advantage of you
⦁    soft
⦁    you may think that you saying random, weird things makes you creepy or a weirdo or whatever, but lemme tell a secret: people like that, people tend to like these kind of people and find them funny
that's how I made most of my friends lol, just rant and say random shit  :')
⦁    intelligent
⦁    caring
⦁    probably care more about others than about yourself at times :c
⦁    good moral (when you defended your mum and helped her last Summer)
⦁    excitable, which is a good thing cuz let's be honest it is more fun to listen to someone who's passionate about something than listening to someone who sounds bored, right
⦁    you see beauty in the small things
⦁    you accepted moving into braila even though the city is, literally, trash lol
⦁    you can adapt to new situations (lived in 3 different places, eg: learnt Italian even though it's not your native language)
⦁    friendly
⦁    outgoing
⦁    prone to learn (the key is to continue hehe)
⦁    managed to handle stressful situations no matter how bad (and you will continue to do so in the future)
⦁    you're willing to work on yourself and improve if necessary

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