dinsdag 11 mei 2021

for the "culture" and some spam

 I am always interested in researching Romania culture, today I studied the cuisine. Time for Tuica


time to test it

testing if I'm into alcoholism just like my fellow scousers

jk I just had one glass

some spam btw, from Antwerp mostly

yes, I bought donuts cuz they're purple owo
(really yummy, btw)

Kaya? Kae...ya?

Kaeya is best genshin boii don't listen to aly's simping about ciao or scared mousse   :c

simping for Liverpool

Scaws is a laifstail it's my laifstail

welcome to 'Belgian weather for starters'
today we're starting with a classic aka rain

Leuven will always be the best city, but I still love Antwerpen

so this is my favourite prank to pull with my friend

I call it
'how long before she realises she's walking all by herself'

she said she doesn't trust me anymore and glared at me every time me and the dog stopped for a few seconds   owo

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