dinsdag 13 april 2021

you'll always find your way back home

 Aly will hate me for this
she will just pretend she doesn't know what I'm referencing to, so
here u go




 one day Alyssa's will find her way back home hopefully
will be difficult since she barely remembers where Liverpool is located, haha

but maybe these might inspire her a bit

un pic din BAZIN DE FICAT
also known as LIVERPOOL, the town that got named after a .....dirty puddle  .___.
(wait does this  mean Liverpool is the dirt of England, hoho)

 stupid comments by me, as usual ;c


- look up to gays (you know who)
- support gays
- are probably gay themselves

okay but.....why does that building have a face

damn, these Liverpool skies are as yellow as Aly's bedroom walls in Rome
bdum tsss

reasons why Liverpool is like a tiny part of Eastern europe in England
- track suit
-love booze
- scouse accent sounds as terrible as slavic languages, such as Russian
- they appear to have a witch house, too

are those the 'marmalade skies' those beatles sang about?


some more gay stuff


mi-ai dat fluturi heh
get it like in the picture


 bisexual colours...
...you know what else is scouse and bisexual?
that's right, half the beatlesImage



they say that if you stand underneath that rainbow and say 'wasn't John Lennon bi?' 3 times
Paul McCartney will appear and say
“if John were gay, he would have wanted me

(yep, bitch actually said that XD )
(shut up Paul, you knew damn well he wasn't straight while u were  being a hoe in his bed)



 wait are those dandelion puffs? I wanna steal them all owo




okay, that's enough rainbows..... for now  ;)



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