donderdag 1 april 2021

A Day In The Life

I didn't reference a Beatles song on purpose........or did I unconsciously??

today was a sunny day. I needed that. I'm very excited now that I've started my diagnosis journey. but, if I'm honest, it has caused some stress, too. so I can use days like these.

anyway, moving on

went for a walk throughout Leuven, which I try to do at least once a week. usually I pass some stores. Thanks to new lockdown rules you need an appointment for stores that are not essential. I passed AS Adventure, and I remembered them having a book about Romania (a travel guide). Luckily, a lot of stores let you make last minute appointments. So I got the book

contine my walk. Got lunch at the local Italian coffee bar (yes, they sell food, too). same guy who always served me and who pretends he cannot understand me whenever I speak Italian lol (I call -cough- bullshit -cough-) but I kept talking Italian cuz I am a taurus and therefore stubborn uwu

Got me some drink
Went to the botanical garden where I sat down on a bench. nice place in the sun. at my lunch while tanning a bit. then looked in my new book

(and yes, Bracla gets acknowledged on the Romania map lol)

maybe now they'll turn into a wonderful city that attracts tourists, gets all cleaned up and pret- HAHAH APRIL FOOLS
(blog post posted on April 1st)


the only reason this birb got close to us was to check if there was food to steal
I would have named him Paul but he looks to slim, haha


dw, I found another animal to name Paul, this big white/orange fish

he reallyyyy big

I walked through the botanical garden. spotted some magnolias. I love lovee loveee blossom season owo

some more plants, trees, flowers, etc


another magnolia
and a white blossom tree, but I don't know the name of that one

very light lilac/indigo flowers

cute corner

time to continue the walk

I know you can't see it on the picture, but right before this bridge there's a little statue of a goose/duck (I'm not sure)
and it basically says something in the lines of
'rub its butt/tail a certain amount of times and think of your wish. and your wish will come true'


a university building
more blossoms

it was getting pretty warm so I got myself mango juice

in the evening I walked a bit more, this time in my village and with my dog

oh yeah,

I bought clips to keep my plants together

to end my blog post

ready to be hated by Aly

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