maandag 5 april 2021

Aly goes to AC world - part 2

 as promised, I would continue with updates on Aly's life and getting used to a new laifstail that ain't scaws (cuz she clearly remembers those 5 years spent in Liverpool ehehehehe)

first things first, she got a bigger house

and yes, that thing in the upper left corner is a tshirt of aly's husband mr dolphin paul

chief is so cute

and it's Spring which means a lot of blossoms and pink trees

wait a line as in a line of....coke

simping for chief

all my uwu's for this boii

more blossoms

okay, so i wanna make sure aly reaches her true form
and what is her true form?
that's right
scaws aly

let's try to design a scouse outfit
okay, so there aren't really designs online so i'll have to improvise ^^;

here's my basic design

lol the first time i heard someone use the words 'scouse' and 'nice' in the same sentence

why do I feel like O'hare is mocking my bed hair

that reminds me I still need to do some interior design for cludi's house ^^

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