donderdag 18 juli 2019

Miitopia - Part VII

Alysscescu told me the joke of the century:
'I'm going to study Scouse again. Study real hard. Tes taim fo' reel madu'
translation: in 1 year time she will learn 3 scouse words and 3 months after that she'll forget said 3 words again ...
(she's gonna be pissed at me for saying this, but deep down she knows madu speaks the truth uwu)


anyway, moving on

warning: long blog post is long

hitting on John while her husband is watching ...
hitting on MY John  >:c

 Paul now wants to be a macho
sounds like an identity crisis

Alyssa kinda predicted part of this blog post:
she got herself a WITCH gown, yup witch
just like I did in the game

John's not the only sassy bitch in our group    :3

-spends hours and hours with Paul-
still not sure she likes him

irl Alyssa every time I mention Liverpool or Scouse accent:

oooooooooh, on our way to my Johnnyyyyyyy   <3
 goddamnitttt :c
 time to collect some jewels
every in this game is dumb lol

update on characters:
in some mysterious way, Alyssa became the strongest on the team
she also turned into a magical girl from some kinda anime or something
but her biggest strength is still ...

Madu's really excited to find Johnny boi

he might be a villain, but he's still hot   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

 the flirting never  ends
looks like Paul's in TIMES OF TROUBLE

but no worries, there's still hope for the Paul x Alyssa shippers
(aka me)

it all sounded very romantic

 I guess it's now "official"

back to the main story,
we're still looking for the jewels  with which we'll open the gate

C E R T A I N   team members are being crybabies
must be because  he  notices his gf cheating on him    :c
a friend of mine once said:
'PoOr PaWL'

but this means Paul needs to be replaced for a while
Roro will be back for a while

never lose hope!!!

Alyssa and Paul are going on a romantic trip together, some bonding tim-
woah woah woahhh
wait a second
Alyssa and PAUL?!?!
I wonder what they did on that island?
just ... the two of them
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

John's one and ONLY love
(ya heard that, Alyssa? )

John, a cat, wants ... a cat



first Johnny boi
now Johnny 


this team in a nutshell:

witches stick together,
getting 17th century Salem vibes here

ready to lure my team to my evil crush

here we go again
 used to it by now
 yas my boii

soooo, Alyssa doesn't share a room with Paul
not with Johnny either
so I guess she can't hit on anyo-
oh never mind she already found a new man lol
-man eater plays in background-

poor lil Roro's stuck with Paul
1 like = 1 buton de noroc-u

PLs stop this identity crisis already, we need to save Johnny
we don't have time fo' u bein' crazy

PLOT twist:
Paul's gay for every boii in our team
(I'm not surprised tbh)


I repeat:'.this


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