donderdag 1 maart 2018

a Paul appreciation post~

Aah the 70s, such an interesting Paul McCartney period, no?

After the divorce of John and Paul Beatles split, good old Macca moved his ass to a farm and decided to get too carried away in 70s fashion

-flashbacks to some of his 1970s "looks" I've seen-
don't go to the dark side of the internet, kids

but this post is all about letting certaiiin peopleee appreciate Paul a bit more again, and hey, the 1970s also happen to be that era where there are a lot of Paul and dog pics

ok ye weird pics, but hey, doggie (riight?)

'C'mon Pawl, u 'ave tu akt laik hooman 'gain'

when you take your human out for a walk and you're awkwardly waiting until they peed

when you play with your dog but your inner dog gets triggered

'I hold the ball, I am the ball'

and let's not forget this hipster pic of ur boii and his crew

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