zaterdag 18 november 2017

Father Paul

well, the title pretty much explains it, a blog post about paul and his family

It was now the 1970s. Paul had long ago retired from being a Beatle, put those shenanigans behind him. Does that mean he stopped being derp, you may ask? hell no (it's still Paul we're talking about here lol)

Congrats Linda, you now have to kids to take care of

yep, she takes after the father
turns out you can inherit derp

he got lost in his own garden (?)

at least his fashion sense improved

aww the kid is trying to fly away

only a few years old and already tired of her father's bullshit

paul got owned by a toddler
I am not surprised

guess who had no idea where they were

'shit we lost Linda, where are we James?'

'I'm not like a regular dad, I'm a cool dad'

donderdag 16 november 2017

Another throwback cuz why not~

So, a few days ago I saw this post on FB that said: 'bring back the scene kid era'

And this reminded me of Netlog (it's a weird sites for teenage wannabes, don't go there). If there's one thing I remember about Netlog, it's all the profiles of the Scene Emo kids (my god, there were so many)

(I wasn't one of them, just to be clear)

So here we go: a throwback to one of my most embarrassing accounts (yes, I had more than one).

it's super weird to look at an account you used when you were a teenager and to see '24 years old'

milkyway is liiiiife
 the caption says:
'For any one you who think I'm a well-organised person, you're wrong! This is what I do at midnight

No but wait there were people who thought I had a clean room???

15th birthday partaay
(May 2nd 2008)
Suddenly all the lights went out and they brought me this cake with those fireworks thingies on it
+- 3 years later, for my 18th birthday, my mom and best friends did the same thing (this time with music). And I was sitting there like the huge dork I am like 'Oh boy, I wonder whose birthday that's for haha'
(these surprises are probably one of the reasons why I became paranoid)

I was up to something, but I don't remember what


one of the few good pictures that was taken during my teenage years

meanwhile on the countryside ...

messing around with my sister's mac

hipster buddies 4 life

looks pretty decent for a pic taken by me

hipster buddies 4 life: part two

I don't even know what I was doing here

I obviously had a favourite filter

smoll pupper

I remember this hairstyle

when I look at some of these pictures I am not surprised I ended up being mentally Scouse

oh hi

staring right through ur soulllll

#nofilter #natural

for a dinner for my 18th birthday

remember 'hipster buddies' this is them now, feel old yet?
(by now I mean 2011  :v )

picture taken in the Yorkshire Dales
look at how blonde I was
(I'm still mentally blonde tho)

dinsdag 14 november 2017

-narcism increases-

You're probably thinking: the person behind this blog is probably some old, lonely ghost who doesn't have a life...
...and that's not too far off actually -hmm-

Since I pretty much always almost post about the Beatles and mock Paul, I thought:
'Hey, why not mock myself for once?'
So I decided to do blog post about myself    -egocentrism increases-

- born in '93, the year of the Macareeeena
- Gryffindor
- Bi
-glitter and neon colours
-Beatlemania owns my soul
- Obsessed with France and its ppl :heart:

Little me

kawaii desu

(all the next pics are taken in Cyprus btw) (age: 12)

once an attenion hoe, always an attention hoe
(when I look at this pic I feel like pushing myself into the pool tbh)

one of the few pics I actually like because I actually look cute
(hard to believe it's me)

 'mom can u stahp taking pics I just wanna eat k'
(food is laif. same goes for buffets)

have u ever seen someone being THAT focused on drinking cola
cola is laif ;w;

.: some childhood facts :.
- when I was in high school I was never in the same class as when I was with my best friends. I mean there were always people I got along with, but I was pretty much a nerd. I was that kid who always sat by herself in class and never paid attention to the lessons (unless it was English or History XDD history nerrrd over here >w> ) because I was always making doodles instead of taking notes

- When I was a kid I was actually a pretty extrovert and flamboyant kid, kinda like the person I am today. During my teenage years I was introvert because of bullying. I'm the kind of person who easily gets distracted, probably because I have a big imagination and sometimes tend to live in a world of my own (I'm pretty much Alice in Wonderland). I guess people mistook this for being too quiet and they started teasing me about it. These made me insecure and made me become introvert.
I stayed like that during my highschool years.
However, when I started college, I decided to try and change myself. I don't mind introvert people (most of my friends are, after all). But it's not what I'm truly like. On the inside I have always stayed the extrovert I had been since I was little. During highschool I often felt like I had to hide this side of me because I was afraid people would think I'm weird and mock me etc. (some people mocked me because my clothes were super colourful and I started dressing in grey/brown/black/white when I went to school)

-I hung out with my group of friends, one of them was this super shy and introverted girl. When I was with friends I was always myself. This girl thought I was funny (let's be honest who doesn't), because I was so different compared to her. And I was this random person who always said silly things. Then one day she told me:
'You're weird, but in a nice way'
(quick time travel to college times again)
This was actually one of the things that encouraged me to become the extrovert I was once again.

- One of the most important things I learnt was: to accept being the weirdo that I am. I am this weird and silly person and I was tired of pretending to be this quiet girl just because people might judge me.
besides, turns out there's no cure for being a weirdo anyways -shrugs-

- I actually say 'thanks' when people tell me I'm weird. Some people say it when they try to insult me and they're always super confused when I thank them ahahha

Boii, am I sure happy to see these pics again (I think this is called torturing one self)

Me as a 12 year old
I just realised this pic was taken half my life ago (12 vs. 24)

at the fair, living a vague life
(not everything changes over the years)
age: 16 ( I think? )

let's appreciate how much I bleached my hair to the point that some of my hair even looked blond
(also: pic was taken at home, so I was my colourful self)
age: 16

I was so done with highschool lol
and here I was probably being a loner
(again, some things just don't change)

My first holiday to London
I look this confused in all these pics
(hard to believe I even have memories of this holiday :/ )
age: 15

looking derp at the camera again
age: 18
(see? once u survived those teenage years, ur beauty actually returns)

and people say I didn't become prettier hah

hmmm, small summary:
- at one point I was a chubby child
- I look derp/confused at cameras
- like to wear pink
- love to eat/love buffets
- brown hair/brown eyes

haha no way I am Paul, like where do these tests get the idea lol (I don't wanna talk about it ;w;)

In the category: some things never change:
- still scared in the dark (it's a scary place k ;w; )
- still obsessed w glitter/pink/purple/shiny stuff)
- still the favourite grandchild (one of my grandma's told my sisters I'm the one with the prettiest face HAH)

- when I was little I was a spoiled brat that wore pink 24/7 and almost always got what she wanted
- I like making up conspiracy theories, about: Venice, Liverpool, friends, my future, illuminati, Paul McCartney, etc
- I have all sorts of phobias: fear of falling, dark, heights, Venice and its gondolas but my biggest fear is dogs and barking
- in the group of friends, I'm the annoying one :v and I'm proud of it

maandag 13 november 2017

Even more gifs~

You can never have enough Paul gifs, right
(even though my computer memory says 'biiitch when u gonna remove ur 10.000 beatles gifs' but lmao let's ignore that for a second k)

So, because I'm a good friend I searched google images for new Paul gifs that haven't been on this blog
Also, they can be added to Cludi's collection (if you wonder where this collection is hidden, the answer is: in her closet next to her sexuality :) )

Alcoholism done right

Random old man 

Random young man
(this is why you shouldn't leave your camera behind, John)

How you feel after the interviewer said you're pretty but then he said he was only joking (lol RIP)

(This is me around friends tbh. and yes, that's just coincidence >.> )

'Shit mate, that's heavyyy'

some people are crazy after all, I guess

Extra: a creepy gif made by those McLennon fangirls

Apparently 'be a winner' means 'act weird and hyper active in your kitchen'

Me: the Beatles aren't that gay
me: -looks at gif-
me: nvm

John: mother knows best listen to ur mother it's a scary world out theeere

When ppl keep telling u eating cake 24/7 isn't healthy but they're probably just lying

Here come the tears dududu
It's alriiight

We were hoping that the derp behaviour would fade away as he aged buuuut...

I didn't know Paul was an interpreter Scouse to English

'Boi- Gehrls luv me'

Paul McCartney: successful singer songwriter, owns millions, gives great concerts, etc
also Paul McCartney: lookit me bounce, John  °v°

We were hoping the gay would fade away as he aged (not really) buuut...

That one time Paul got jealous of a plushie

Meanwhile in the bushes of Strawberry Fields, Liverpool

Seducing all them girls since 1942   ;)

If only we could all be morning people

And these two gifs just to annoy Cludi

Paul's having a seizure (?)

That typcial 'where am I, Who am I and who are you?' face

Just a doggo eating his dog food

'Teik eh set sung and m'ke eht beh'errrr'

What is this even?

I don't know any more captions