zondag 22 november 2020

Aly goes to Liverpool~ chapter 3

 just a quick update

teaching the villagers some hoemanian

they learn romanian 10.000 faster than Aly learns "buch"

only looooowkey a tiny bit jealous I'm not her best friend in this game, it's a squirrel lol

yep, still has a reputation

scousers: I didn't even drink that much booze
also scousers on their way home:

Egbert is still running for "most (mentally) scouse villager of Liverp'l"

when ur friend is talking to you but you're zooning out cuz you're thinking of mici delfini again hehe

cute fireworks evening aesthetics

Egbert stop ignoring my kewl thingy

(this reminds me of these sparkling things they gave me on New Year's Eve when I was little ;w; )

(ignore the dates, the game is currently set in September 2020 lol)


house update

trying to look for cute outfits ^^

dedicated one room to Aly's true passion and one dream: sleeping with dolphi-


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