dinsdag 9 april 2019

The many phases of being ... a scouse meme?

I actually made a part one with similar memes. And Alyssa seems to enjoy being mocked  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  so here we go again

Alyssa: Liverpool and its culture will always follow me and I don't mind at all  OwO
Me: Oh, in that case ...
Me: I've made you another Scouse test!
Also Alyssa: 

Alyssa: smh
Alyssa: lmahdudgdctqdxfgyfcvfo haha
Me, a person from the 90s:

Alyssa: I'm from ... uh
Alyssa: -reads notes-   LIVERPOWL! I think? °v°
Me: Oh! And do you know that one famous band from your town?
Alyssa:  b-band? °v°
Me: yeah, their name?

Me: -asks basic question about Liverpudlian culture-

Me: -asks literally any question about Romania-

Alyssa: u wanna see a cute selfie of me smiling
Me: sure!
Me: .___.

That one time on Google Maps
Alyssa: ok, Imma show you where I used to live in Liverpool
Me: you ... actually remember that?
Alyssa: sure! ofcourse!
Alyssa: wait, it's this way-  uh
Alyssa: her- NO WAIT, that's Scotland OOPS HAHA
Me: e_____e;
Alyssa: THIS! this is it!
Me: are you trying to tell me your house was located on ... River Mersey?
according to Alyssa, she lived in this corner near the river ... let's ignore the fact that there are no houses here 

Alyssa: I wuv Pawl
Alyssa: he'zzz so kewt, woah
Me: -shows pics of Paul older than 25-

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