maandag 1 april 2019

The many phases of ... being in denial~

(Idk, that's alyssa's logic?)
Anywa, not gonna do that

well, since I'm not allowed to mock Poorrr Pawlieee anymore, I will go to the next person on my list with scousers: cludi herself   :3

and yes, this is full of sarcasm
so she better keeps all her WTFs, -sighs-'s and NO's for after reading this   =w=

1. scaws ehs harddd (again; alyssa's reasoning)
me: so, you see:
me: b-ook becomes b-uch
alyssa: huh no I don't see it
me: uh
me: well, basically u replace the ook with uch, for all kinds of word-
alyssa: nope, don't see it? huh?
me: look becomes luch? book buch? cook cuch?
me: -eyetwitch-   u seeee?
alyssa: what kind of dark magic is this?
alyssa: how am I suppose to learn this
alyssa: at least Romanian is easy
me (to self): no it isn'tttt
alyssa: I MEAN, COME ON everyone knows u change the ending of a word to indicate whether there is an article or not
me: uhm
alyssa: at least that's easyyy to remember
me: yeahhhhh, totallyyyy   -thumbs up-

2. that escalated quickly
alyssa: gon' be livin' in Rumehnia frum nah on
alyssa: wo keht pessebleh gu wreng?
alyssa: me losin me scaws identiteh? hah

alyssa: fuck
alyssa: muuuuuuuuum, have you seen my scouse accent?

May 2017 be laik
((as someone who has studied linguistics I still don't understand but hey ... scousers, I guess?))

3. "accidentally" lost it, after "only" 16 years
alyssa: haha, now that I don't have my accent anymore people won't think of me as scouse anymore
alyssa: no one will ever know
also alyssa: -wears paul mccartney shirt 24/7-

2. in denial about being in denial
me: it's time for another test, yay
alyssa: ah fuck no, why
me: u don't like the tests?
me: or scous-

alyssa: how dare u ask me this?

alyssa: muumm, can we re-schedule the trip?
alyssa:'s mum: I don't think that's possibl-
alyssa: but muuuuum, let's just go away for
alyssa: let's say the entire month of Aprilll?
alyssa's mum: how rich d'you think we are, tf?
alyssa: but I don't wanna do me test ;w;

it's okay, friends
I will solve this mystery
I'm still bamboozled,
I mean,
everyone knows scousers are scene kids, no?

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