Nor do I go to his concerts and cry of happiness when I'm ther-
A-anyways, moving on >w>
But for some reason I did watch the Carpool Karaoke w Paul McCartney 3 times already
... Okay okay, maybe 4 ... or 5 (shit I lost count)
My favourite moments:
1. The dumb pun this episode starts with: 'I need somebody ... Not just anybody ...' lol
2. And less than 10 seconds later Paul already gets in the car (he totally wasn't waiting outside that car lol)
3. Right after that you hear an audience clap and Paul looks kinda smug like 'yeah bitches still luv me'
4. The first song (I think?) with the 'BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP yeahhhh' part and the switching seats
5. Paul looking like a happy grandpa who's so excited to sing his own songs: because he has so many nice memories from back when he was a Beatle ;w;
6. James (not James Paul McCartney, but laik other James) smiling throughout the entire episode and thinking 'woah, this grandpa is so cool. so much swaggity'
7. Paul's first song 'I lost my little girl'
8. Are we sure Paul didn't just lowkey stalk this 'little girl' and she rejected him, so he cried with his guitar and wrote a song
9. Or if you wanna get some feels: the girl he lost is actually his mum, who died when he was 14 ...
10. (when you listen to this song, it could totally be about Alyssa, lol get it? A Scouse girl who's little? XD Wait was she already alive back in 1956?)
11. Or maybe this was about a girl, who reincarnated into Alyssa after she (possibly?) died? -PLOT TWIST-
12. "James, it's not really similarrrr'
13. Paul's grandpa voice saying 'PENNI LEEEEEHJNNNN'
14. Penny lane that plays and this beautiful bromance between a young man and this retired man
15. Paul signing the Penny Lane sign and James next to him: 'They'll never believe it!'
16. Paul used to be a CHOIRRR BOII :0 :0 :0
17 Paul saying 'Saint BAHHHnabas'
(It's spelt 'Barnabas' for those of you who have decent English as native language ... )
(It's spelt 'Barnabas' for those of you who have decent English as native language ... )
18. 'My brother says 'hi' by the wa- PENNY LANEEE Is'
19. first scouser having a heart attack
(and just all the scousers crying becuz 'ehmehgawd eht's pooool' )
20. Paul, in his giggle and slowmotion grandpa voice: 'hah, he's haviiin' his heeeeeehr cut!'
21. And right after that totally points and laughs at himself
22. Paul: 'ahahahhaah look at that ki- OH wait that's me ... -
23. Paul doing duckface lol what
24. Paul hitting on old the old ladies and calling all of them 'luv' and 'dahling'
25. this girl walking away like 'we done filming? can I go back to work now?' lol
26. where the hell did he get that mouth organ from?
27. talking about his dream about his mum and LET IT BE
28. Paul saying: 'Let it be? ... That's really good!
... wait a sec, Paul didn't wrote these lyrics, his mum came up with them :0
... wait a sec, Paul didn't wrote these lyrics, his mum came up with them :0
29. Paul being so lively and happy when remembering John ;w;
30. 'there's enough of these americanisms'
31. 'Lol nope, dad!'
32. 'she loves you, yes, yes, she does!'
33. lil smug fat boii
34. The 'accoustic chamber'
35. WAIT A SEC a young teenage boii spending hours on the toilet (with his guitar)... do we even wanna know what else happened in there?
36. No offense BUT, a rain coat, hat, fake moustache? That's gotta be the lamest and most OBVIOUS disguise anyone can think of XDD
37. scousers left their beloved alcohol behind to see Paul? aww
39. his new song (Come on to me? I think it's called?)
40. Oh no, Paul turned into a jukebox :0
41. hashtag hipsterrrrr
45. basically Paul during his concerts when he says 'this was the last song' and 2 seconds later crawls back on stage lol