maandag 19 februari 2018


My friend said 'stop trying to keep shit away from me'
so, therefore the title 'shit'
Cuz that's what I'll try to talk about

I may be an extrovert, but when it comes to emotions and talking about them I'm totally an introvert, so expect awkward ways of expressing myself lol

I've been feeling like this for quite a while. Some feelings I've had longer than others. I was wondering if I should bring this up, but in the end I always decided it would be better not to. Especially since I've already mentioned some of them several times before. I feel like I keep repeating myself. And it sounds like I'm nagging. And I don't want to annoy people too much.

Let's talk about the emotions I've had for a longer while now aka 'the ones I always nag about'.
- Like you probably already know, I'm sad that you can't seem to take pride in your hometown. I remember writing another blog post about this and I know you explained it's linked to the fact you're depressed etc. But, I'm still a bit sad about it. Especially since Liverpool is a place I'm pretty fond of. It's kinda weird when I think about. I've grown more and more fond of this city ever since I started learning about it in 2015, even though I've never been there. You, on the other hand, have been there but seem to be less fond of it. It's funny ... but also not that funny, I guess ...
Whenever I try to bring it up you seem to ignore my comments, that's why I didn't want to talk about how I feel about all of this in the first place ...
The fact that I always joke about it being marginal and joke about Scousers probably doesn't improve things either haha ye
- But that's not the main thing I'm sad about: this is gonna sound even cringier than the first point but what also makes me a bit sad is that now your love for Paul and the Beatles is gone.
Well, it's kinda double:
I don't mind if you're not into/interested in the same stuff I am. After all, I'm not a huge fan of forcing people into fandoms/series/bands/music/etc. But, and I don't wanna sound like that sad person wanting attention, but now I feel pretty much left behind in this 'fandom'.
I used to have someone to talk to about it. And now you don't seem very interested either. Look for friends on Tumblr or Instagram? Well, some people seem to like things I post or my dumb humour. And I comment on people's stuff or try to connect with them but so far I haven't really made friends.

- And one other thing: I noticed you talk less. But then I figured you now spend a lot of time studying and taking care of yourself, so it's normal I guess. I'm just that kind of person who easily feels down when people don't talk to me, but it's nothing important.

- I've been telling myself that after going to Italy I want to save to go on citytrip to Liverpool: I've learnt so much about that city but you can't compare the actual feeling of being there, walking around there and sensing the atmosphere (if that makes any sense). I figured that I'd probably have to go there on my own. My dad wouldn't shut up and I would get annoyed or get snappy. And I rather relax during my holidays lol. My best friend isn't into Beatles. And you live too far away to come with me, so ...

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