dinsdag 27 februari 2018

reel scaws as- eksk- ...

... ekstetics? aksextics?
(how do you spell aesthetics in Scouse, hmmm)

And I know what you're thinking:
'Liverpool is a grey industrial city that is consumed by Beatlemania and alcohol, no?'


- 1 minute of silence because this is true -

But that doesn't mean it can't have pretty aesthetics (I think lol)

I actually tried to act like those typical Tumblr people and look for some pretty aesthetics pics so u scousers can walk up to people and say 'oy guess what I'm from Liverpool and I'm proud of it'

... not sure why you'd do that, I mean if you wanna humiliate yourself and create an awkward silence you can just use really bad opening lines on someone
then on the other hand, saying 'I'm scouse' is probably considered a bad opening line as well .___.'

So we present to you 'Winter aesthetics from Liverpool'
or as the Scouse say:
'ah shet eh's su col' a't'mumen' ah ken evn opeh me beer hu 'em'ah sippose te serv'v nah

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