woensdag 28 februari 2018


After watching Honest Trailers - The Lion King, I felt forced to make this

Queen Elizabeth II: Everything the rain touches, is our kingdom

Charles: What about that shadow-y place?

Queen Elizabeth II: You must never go there, Charles ...

dinsdag 27 februari 2018

reel scaws as- eksk- ...

... ekstetics? aksextics?
(how do you spell aesthetics in Scouse, hmmm)

And I know what you're thinking:
'Liverpool is a grey industrial city that is consumed by Beatlemania and alcohol, no?'


- 1 minute of silence because this is true -

But that doesn't mean it can't have pretty aesthetics (I think lol)

I actually tried to act like those typical Tumblr people and look for some pretty aesthetics pics so u scousers can walk up to people and say 'oy guess what I'm from Liverpool and I'm proud of it'

... not sure why you'd do that, I mean if you wanna humiliate yourself and create an awkward silence you can just use really bad opening lines on someone
then on the other hand, saying 'I'm scouse' is probably considered a bad opening line as well .___.'

So we present to you 'Winter aesthetics from Liverpool'
or as the Scouse say:
'ah shet eh's su col' a't'mumen' ah ken evn opeh me beer hu 'em'ah sippose te serv'v nah

zaterdag 24 februari 2018

Traditional Scouse clothing~

If you read the title you might think: did I wear a bath robe/PJs and curlers in my hair?
The answer is 'no'
that'll probably happen the same night I cosplay Paul at 2AM
But I did try on a different traditional Scouse accessory

Thanks to a certain Scouse friend of mine, and I won't use any names since I'm a good friend and all
it's Alyssa, obviouslyyy
I have now learnt that wearing garlands in your hair is a traditional Scouse accessory

Oh ye, I looked up 'garlands' and only one city appeared:

another fitting title for this post would have been:
'We shouldn't let Madu inside the bathroom after 9PM'

and these aren't even the worst pics, I left out the most vague ones

donderdag 22 februari 2018

Frozen meme/quiz/whatever

Got this from DeviantArt.  Let's find out what Frozen character I am.

[] You like the cold (I’m a Summer person)
[/] You like to be alone (some days I really enjoy solitude but I like being around people as well)
[/] You love/loved to play in the snow (too bad it makes your hands freeze)
[ ] You have a special ability not many people you know have.
[/] You like building snowmen (Again: frozen hands)
[ ] You have a younger sibling that you love deeply (nope only older ones, too bad hahaha )

Score: 1.5

[/] You have fallen in love with a stranger (only with their looks, since I don’t know them. I just stare °v° not creepy at all)
[ ] You have at least one parent who has died
[x] You love to be with your family
[x] You try to be brave (emphasis on ‘try’)
[/] You will do all you can to protect your loved ones.
[/] If your sibling runs away, you will do all you can to bring them home. (not sure I would wanna freeze to death but ok)

Score: 3.5

[x] You like warmer weather
[x] You are nice to the point of being annoying
[x] You love helping those you care about
[/] You believe in instant friendship  
[ ] You would risk your life to help your friends
[ ] You are blissfully naive 

Score: 3.5

[x] You are the youngest sibling
[x] You want something you can't have easily  (fame. And the souls of the inhabitants of Liverpool °v° )
[/] You will do what it takes to get what you want
[] You are a leader  (lol, nopeee)
[x] You have lied (ok, but seriously, who hasn’t???)
[/] When you get in trouble, your older siblings know about it.

Score: 4

[ ] You have a pet you have had your whole life
[ ] You have a job that has no relevance
[/] You and your pet like the same food (when I was little I would often eat the food of my cats XD maybe >w> )
[ ] You have an adoptive family
[x] You live up to your promises 
[x] You do what you can to help your friends.

Score: 2.5

[/] You have to share your favorite food
[ ] You are a fast runner 
[/] You are afraid of wolves (haven’t really encountered wolves)
[ ] You don't normally (or ever) talk (more like the opposite)
[x] You have a friend who is good with music
[ ] You tend to be the voice of reason. (again: more like the opposite)

Score: 2

Shit I’m the lunatic that tried to murder people
Haaha, help

woensdag 21 februari 2018

Eleanor Rigby review

This post will be, laik, super serious   c:
a super serious review

I know what you're thinking:
'Madu, you're a meanie who takes every chance she gets to mock Scousers'
... Ok, not gonna deny that c:

But before I continue this blog post, can I quickly say this:
Not only do others mock Scousers, Scousers often mock themselves (not on purpose ... I guess? ) :
- They go to 'Scouse accent' videos on YT and comment 'haha, why am I watching this? I already know Scouse lol' (unless they truly forgot their own native language/accent  .___. ) (for more info: ask for Cludi)
- Paul McCartney

- Cludi and her magic scaws logik skillzzz
- That one Scouse man who can't solve the following: "If you're going 200 miles an hour and you've got 200 miles to go, how long will that take you?"

Ah I love this culture so much and can't wait to visit this cit-
AHAHA, FUN FACT: I think the internet is trying to lure me to Liverpool.
Seriously though, I keep reading 'the city was so much nicer than we expected', 'lovely place' and 'the people are so friendly and sweet' etc
Then again: I wouldn't mind living there so maybe ending up there isn't that bad

I really have to change the subject, before I reveal too many of my secrets here


Ok, Scousers mocking themselves: let's go back to point 2: Paul

You might know he was part of the Beatles and that he sang 'Eleanor Rigby'
Here's the chorus and intro for some of you that don't know the song:

Ah look at all the lonely people
Ah look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
In the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face
That she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie, writing the words
Of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
In the night when there's nobody there
What does he care
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah look at all the lonely people
Ah look at all the lonely people

I know it's not very clear, but this song's actually about lonely people. And you know what's funny:
some elements in the video remind us a lot about Scousers/Liverpool:

 There are two footbal teams to be seen in the video, blue and red. people say these two teams are Liverpool's two footbal teams: Everton and Liverpool FC
aka Scouse footbal aka Scousers

And is it me or does one of these footbal players look kinda like Paul

This image looks a bit like what a lot of streets in Liverpool look like: bordered with small brick walls
it kinda looks like the 1960s version of Paul Street

a song about loners and in the video there seem to be references to Scousers (lol, jokes on you, Paul) and Liverpool???

-insert sad violin music here-
so, what they're trying to say is that Scousers are sweet and friendly to everyone, yet they are alone despite all their efforts


maandag 19 februari 2018


My friend said 'stop trying to keep shit away from me'
so, therefore the title 'shit'
Cuz that's what I'll try to talk about

I may be an extrovert, but when it comes to emotions and talking about them I'm totally an introvert, so expect awkward ways of expressing myself lol

I've been feeling like this for quite a while. Some feelings I've had longer than others. I was wondering if I should bring this up, but in the end I always decided it would be better not to. Especially since I've already mentioned some of them several times before. I feel like I keep repeating myself. And it sounds like I'm nagging. And I don't want to annoy people too much.

Let's talk about the emotions I've had for a longer while now aka 'the ones I always nag about'.
- Like you probably already know, I'm sad that you can't seem to take pride in your hometown. I remember writing another blog post about this and I know you explained it's linked to the fact you're depressed etc. But, I'm still a bit sad about it. Especially since Liverpool is a place I'm pretty fond of. It's kinda weird when I think about. I've grown more and more fond of this city ever since I started learning about it in 2015, even though I've never been there. You, on the other hand, have been there but seem to be less fond of it. It's funny ... but also not that funny, I guess ...
Whenever I try to bring it up you seem to ignore my comments, that's why I didn't want to talk about how I feel about all of this in the first place ...
The fact that I always joke about it being marginal and joke about Scousers probably doesn't improve things either haha ye
- But that's not the main thing I'm sad about: this is gonna sound even cringier than the first point but what also makes me a bit sad is that now your love for Paul and the Beatles is gone.
Well, it's kinda double:
I don't mind if you're not into/interested in the same stuff I am. After all, I'm not a huge fan of forcing people into fandoms/series/bands/music/etc. But, and I don't wanna sound like that sad person wanting attention, but now I feel pretty much left behind in this 'fandom'.
I used to have someone to talk to about it. And now you don't seem very interested either. Look for friends on Tumblr or Instagram? Well, some people seem to like things I post or my dumb humour. And I comment on people's stuff or try to connect with them but so far I haven't really made friends.

- And one other thing: I noticed you talk less. But then I figured you now spend a lot of time studying and taking care of yourself, so it's normal I guess. I'm just that kind of person who easily feels down when people don't talk to me, but it's nothing important.

- I've been telling myself that after going to Italy I want to save to go on citytrip to Liverpool: I've learnt so much about that city but you can't compare the actual feeling of being there, walking around there and sensing the atmosphere (if that makes any sense). I figured that I'd probably have to go there on my own. My dad wouldn't shut up and I would get annoyed or get snappy. And I rather relax during my holidays lol. My best friend isn't into Beatles. And you live too far away to come with me, so ...

Another Scouse lovestory

Time for a different Scouse romance
(since the love between Alyssa and Paul is dead atm)

I've been having Monday blues. Well, not really. I've been feeling down since yesterday evening.
But despite all of this, I managed to come up with an idea for my next blog post. It's Beatles related as usual.
(The Beatles are the only thing that cheer me up a little bit at the moment. Lol, the Beatlemania is reallllll)

I somehow managed to link John and Paul to the story of the lady and the tramp.
And isn't everyone from Liverpool a tramp, poor and everything?

As usual, there's perfectly logic reasoning behind this theory
Jk, I'm not good at making sense

I realised that I haven't talked a lot about the Beatles and their backgrounds.
Long story short: John was the only one that didn't come from a working class family. That makes him the rich bitch of the group.
(Ok maybe not rich he's middle class and lived in a fancier neighbourhood)

See where I'm going with this?
John being the wealthier one of the two would make him Lady.
And here comes my favourite part of the theory: since Paul was a poor guy from the working class, that would make him the tramp.

There's only one part that doesn't match the theory: at one point Tramp shares his spaghetti with Lady.
I can't really imagine Paul sharing food. Gotta keep things realistic.

Also: someone stop me from drawing/editing John in human Lady clothes help

woensdag 14 februari 2018

No title it's just about Paul anyway

When I personally find myself in times of troubles, one comforting thought comes to me.
Speaking words of wisdom:

Your situation is bad,
but there are those who have it worse
on Valentine's Day

And that's true actually.
I might be all alone but I'm used to it and it's still better than getting dumped and replaced.

That's right, there are some souls who experience double misfortune. Not only do they happen to be Scouse, their loved one also leaves them behind occasionally ...

... That's right, as usual the blog post will be about the Most Speshal Scouser of All Scousers  Paul

Now, Paul's a generally optimistic fella, but even he has emotions. So whenever his kwin leaves him behind for the girls or boys that remind her of girls, he might experience a breakdown:
Ofcourse, we can't now what it looks like, but we can imagine it:

When you fall in love, but the person you fall in love with and your relantionship is anything but stable and now you're here like

'I'm not lonely ... I- I always sit on empty benches in a park ... all by myself'

oh shit, wrong postcard 

Their Valentine's Day/ Relationship in a nutshell

If you feel bad about Paul getting rejected by a Koala, don't worry. They gave him a plush to comfort him

When you start to realise how shitty your Valentine's day is and you realise you find yourself (emotionally) in times of trouble

Don't worry Paul, some colleague Beatles of yours still dig you   ;)

zaterdag 10 februari 2018

The gay side of Liverpool~

I know, Paul being gay is a common joke on my blog. So this time I wanted to make a blog post about the more gay side of Liverpool, or more specifically the Beatles

If we're gonna talk about the Beatles and being gay then you can't avoid McLennon. But let's focus on something else first: John

- There have always been rumours about John being bisexual
- There have also been rumours that he would have been in love with Paul (no joke)

But here's the sad side of the story:
Some say that John was homophobic and mocked gay people. But was he really against them? I mean, it would ironic that someone who can fall in love with guys himself would be against gay people. Maybe there's another reason why he did what he did:
Think about it:
The 1960s were a completely different era. Being gay (or not being straight) wasn't accepted at all. People might even shut you out and for John coming out could even mean the end of his career as Beatle and musician. It could ruin their reputation.
I'm not saying I approve his behaviour, but I believe he hated a part of himself: his sexuality. And he showed this by mocking others who weren't straight, like him. The rumours about him and his sexuality didn't improve things either. Then there's the rumour about him being in love with Paul. This rumour, weirdly enough, makes sense when you think about it:
- They had been friends since their teenage years
- They had a close and unbreakable bond/friendship
- They were together in a band and were the lead singers and songwriters of this band
- They had been through the same (both their mums passed away too early) which made their friendship even stronger.
I mean if there's one man John would fall in love with, it had to be Paul. But people assumed Paul was straight. So John's feelings weren't reciprocated. Not only was his sexuality not accepted, his best friend didn't feel the same way either.
(In a way it's understandable he felt frustrated about all of this)

But is it certain Paul's straight? Like I said, it's an assumption. Maybe he wasn't. Maybe he did feel the same way (and that's where McLennon makes an entrance haha).
But that doesn't mean we can be optimistic about it.
It was still the 1960s, people who weren't straight were still not accepted. So if they were romantically involved, they still had to pretend nothing was going on and fool the outside world.

And if you wonder why this whole McLennon is so popular, just look at the following facts:
- People have asked Paul if he was ever romantically involved with John and his answer was pretty vague. He sort of avoided the question. He did say that he might reveal something about the relationship between him and John, but only after Yoko and Cynthia (aka John's widow and ex-wife) pass away. It's kind of very very suspicious. What is he hiding from us? Why wait until they pass away if nothing romantic has ever happened? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Paul and John both loved their wives of course, but this fact is actually funny: they couldn't stand each other's wife. Paul would say things about Yoko, John would say things about Linda.
- Another fun fact: Paul being called 'Princess' by the Apple staff and he didn't mind. But why would they call him that? They say they called him 'Princess' because that's what John called him as well.
(The best part is that John's widow Yoko confirmed this staff fact)
- Ofcourse having fans that support and love them and their music encouraged them? But what else encouraged Paul and John to keep performing and write songs? During recordings, studio sessions and performances they would face each other and sing the songs to each other.
- Not really a fact, but adding it 'cause it was pretty obvious: after the Beatles split, John and Paul would often act like a divorced couple and talk behind each other's back, even though they still loved each other.

Some quotes:
  • “John never looked at anyone the way he looked at Paul.“ - Cynthia Powell
  • “I thought John was cheating on me with Paul” - Yoko Ono
  • “That became a very big bond between John and me, because he lost his mum early on, too. We both had this emotional turmoil which we had to deal with and, being teenagers, we had to deal with it very quickly. We both understood that something had happened that you couldn’t talk about - but we could laugh about it, because each of us had gone through it. It wasn’t OK for anyone else. We could both laugh at death - but only on the surface. John went through hell, but young people don’t show grief - they’d rather not. Occasionally, once or twice in later years, it would hit in. We’d be sitting around and we’d have a cry together; not often, but it was good.” - Paul McCartney
  • “I was just really sad, y’know, cos we loved each other, although you wouldn’t have called it that then.” - Paul McCartney
  • “John had beautiful hands” - Paul McCartney     (okay then, Paul ... X3 )
  • “They’re like a old married couple with their kids.” - Ringo Starr                                                                   (does this mean Ringo and George were the kids?   XDD )
  • “They needed each other like mad.” - George Martin

'Cause it sums up almost everything in this post haha

 Some gay pics:
 John, did you seriously write a song about losing your virginity to Pa-
Nope, not gonna finish that sentence  XD

(I'll never let go, I promise (?))

I wanna end this post with a sad, but beautifully drawn fan art: