and maybe other stuff I often use:
°v° = when I'm very happy or excited (so quite often XD), sometimes when I feel mischievious or feel like trolling ppl
°u° = also when I'm happy or excited, but kinda more innocent. sometimes I use it when I feel dumb or when I don't really get something (I don't understaand, so I'll just smile)
XD = pretty funny
XDD = very funny, joke much appreciated
XDDDD = help mi, I'm crying ah shit these tears keep coming ...where's my tissue
u.u = madu is: -disppointed, -not pleased with what a did, -hopes one day u will be a better person, -can't believe u just did/said that my god cludi u lil' shit
;w; = could mean 'I feel kinda emotional' but also 'awwww' or 'omg so cuute'
;---; = when I'm kinda sad or chocked (but the sadder I feel, the less emoticons I use)
°---° = lol what? (some feeling between confused and shocked)
^^; = lol I just did something stupid/ lol fail/ ah my bad/well shit
UwU = mostly used when I'm acting like a lil shit (no cludi u're not the only lil shit) or when I feel like a troll haha
e____e = when I'm suspecting u or being pissed or slightly annoyed
=w= = when I feel sleepy or little bit tired, but it can also mean I'm flattered or really like something (it depends)
ewe = when I'm up to someting
eve = also when I'm up to something
stupid stuff that I say:
-(most of the time when I use caplocks I'm not screaming I'm just being dramatic as usual UwU )
-OMG CLUDI U LIL SHIT: well in general it means madu loves you but since showing emotions is not done I express it by saying stuff like this. can also be used when u did something that's bad but still pretty innocent (like saying I'm old, only I can say that u.u )
-Keep in mind that madu sees everything you do/ madu has to raise u/ has to teach u a lesson: this just means what it means. this is my job
-OMG CLUDI U LIL SHIT JEST U WAIT = this means u've been a real lil' shit or done something really bad like Oh IDK MAYBEEE making sure u're not allowed in ur hometown anymore and abandonning Liverpool WHILE YOUR THE QUEEN u.u (jest saying...)
-Cludi I swear to god, one I'll send you to the school of English = again, it means what it means. I feel like I have no choice. And no, 'MOG, liak ah'l grewn ap NOw madu' is not considered decent English, NOT EVEN CONSIDERED SCOUSE (AND THAT MEANS A LOT)
- child: well technically speaking you are a child (hahahahahahahaa), so I don't see the problem. besides madu will always consider they're younger sibling a child (even when you're 70 and I'm 76)
MOG = the Scouse version of OMG (If you don't believe me ask the queen of Liverpudlians)
my god = when something shocked me (not that much tho) or when Cludi has been a lil shit again
OTP5EVA = Cludi and Paul are meant for each and will forever be married even if Paul dies (let's face it that man's getting old ;--; ), but nothing will ever separate them (not even you, Cludi)
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