dinsdag 20 oktober 2015


Hey y'all and welcome to lesson number three of 'Lehverputliehns 'n tehjr pehculiehr laifstail'

a short overview:
- in the first lesson we learnt that in Liverpudlian culture blue eyeshadow with purple shade is not only used as make up. Liverpudlians use this specific colour of eyeshadow to intimidade but also to celebrate Halloween.
Another popular way of using it is wearing the eyeshadow and make typical Liverpudlian faces (demonstrated by the Beatles) like:
in other cultures these expressions may seem kinda weird, but in Liverpudlian culture these expressions are perfectly normal and used daily.

-in lesson number two we learnt a lot about how Liverpudlians react when we interact with something/someone they love.
taking away something they love may cause the Liverpudlian to isolate themself. this could be either in their kingdom of isolation (translated: bedroom) or in The Beatles Story (museum) in Liverpool.
Liverpudliands love the Beatles very much (yeees, cludi, even you), since it's the only big success Liverpool and its people have ever known.
there are some things that are better left unsaid when talking to Liverpudlians, don't say things like:
- but.....you do realise that John Lennon passed away, right?           (RIP John   ;-----; )
- The Beatles aren't a band anymore, they had a break-up...

Today we will learn about things that most Liverpudlians consider normal (due to their 'laifstail').
as subject we take Cludi, a native Liverpudlian thanks to whom we learnt a lot about 'teh lehverpowl laifstail'
okay here we go!
                                          okay, we might have to explain this one:
                                          inhabitant of Liverpool = Liverpudlian
                                          Liver = organ
                                          pudlian --> puddle = dirty water on the street or ground

                                          Paint is so amazing that it can give you 'teh gritest idehs evah!'

                                          Just make sure that the person you're hitting on can appreciate your
                                          pervy sense of humour
                                          and make sure you don't get bitchslapped
                                          (using opening lines like this is at own risk   °o° )
                                          same goes for going to the toilet ;)

                                          or thinking that 'fegit fegit cuckle -can't breath because of own joke- '
                                          is actual English

we'll end this lesson with some examples of daily communication in Liverpool:

EXTRA: an impossible lovestory between two Liverpudlians PART TWO:

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