in chronological order
Paphos, Cyprus (2005)

when ur math teacher already explained the same formula 5 times and she asks if you finally understand it

Rome, Italy (2009)

school (2010)
still own the scarf, boots and jacket

I actually forgot the exact town this was taken, Belgium (2010)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012)
who says it's impossible to take a pic with every lion statue you encounter?
why do I look like I'm scheming something

Planckendael, Belgium (2013)

Palma (Mallorca) 2013
I used to make this face all the time...nobody knows why, not even I know lol

(probably thought it made me more slim)
wait, here's the same pose but worse

dem legs wide ope- whyyyyyy
it never ends

my face in math class be like

lil confused me

my face looking at all these pictures

every time I tell Aly one of my scorp jokes or "call her out"

identity crisis caught on camera
I have a lot of those haha- I mean nothing

Oostende, Belgium (2013)
I'm not going to judge the fashion choices made here....cuz I'd still wear that

Paris, France (2014)
still one of my fav drunk nights, according to my sister I was just rambling and saying random stuff at some point

ur face when they call u pretty uwu

zoning out next to the seine

London, United Kingdom (2014)

Kraainem, Belgium (2014)
just casually bullying our sister while grandma watches and couldn't care less
everything about this picture is great

Planckendael, Belgium (2015)
but my excuse is that you're allowed to look derp on your bday, right?

my home (2015)
it was happy hour lol

Efteling, The Netherlands (2015)

Rome, Italy (2015)
ur face after u've had too much limoncello

I think Leuven but I'm not sure, Belgium (2015)

Mechelen, Belgium (2017)
back when mum worked at a science/technology museum and tried convincing me to go on the bike on a rope (or whatever it's called)
....I'd rather throw myself off that platform than ride that bike nooope

Garden(s) of Hoegaarden, Belgium (2017)
this pic is cute but look at that dummy face tho :3

Gent, Belgium (2018)
posing with "the moon"

Leuven, Belgium (2019)
cute pose, but still kinda dumb

Efteling, The Netherlands (2019)
this is one of those places they made for people to pose, soooo I don't blame me
mum: get off there, only kids climb/walk on things like that
me: well I'm mentally still 12 soooo
me: good luck trying to stop meeee
mum: -sighs and takes picture-

lookit the bliss on my face
might one day do a part 2, since there are a lot of derp pics