woensdag 9 juni 2021

Dutch for Dummies part uh idk

 (I'm too lazy to look up the other blog post, so let's say it's part 2? I guess???)

I often get the question
'but Madu, you're so good with languages and linguistics. why don't you consider becoming a language teacher?'
well, frens, because I have a lot of knowledge in this chaotic lil head of mine....but I suck at explaining things thank you adhd

and I'm awkward in front of groups (presentations in school were horrible ahaha)

you'll notice in the next videos

some things I wanna add
- I suck at filming, especially w my phone
- I don't just sound awkward cuz I'm kinda nervous when filming, that's just how I act lmao
✨awkward is a lifestyle, it's my lifestyle✨
- random videos are random
- oh, and I tried to speak a bit louder for better pronunciation (I never realise how quiet my voice is lol)
I hate my Belgian accent w a passion   uwu
- watermark in video, sowwy

tried to explain some of the "combined/compound vowels"

random words

Fun fact: in Dutch there's a word similar to 'bloem'......'bloed'  (yes, blood haha) better not to confuse those, too

poten = legs, usually animal legs

"de hond heeft natte poten = the dog has wet legs"

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