zondag 1 maart 2020

girl goes to exhibition and rants about it~ 01/03/2020

Today's blog post is called:
"Romania is once again very desperate to try convince us they really are a descendant of the Romans
(hetalia wasn't lying lol) 

An alternative title would be:
The Romanians in Belgium wanna show us they're not all criminals, except for a few cousins who might steal from you lol
Today I'm visiting an exhibition about Dacia, yes, you got that right: about the car 
I know got their annoying song in my head (dudu du, another drives a Duster. This is why I dislike Dacia cars  è__é )


let's start with the exhibition:

Pick your cescumon starter
floricescu (grass type), cattastrophecescu (feline type), dragameacescu (drag queen type)

no, this is not a tourist guide
izza love story about a vampire who can conjure all the yogurt for his love
and they also make yogurt together in the bedroo-
me @ me

Snake bracelet for my slytherin friend who ditched hufflepuff (rip)

This exhibition makes you wonder what went wrong
Romanians, 2000 years ago:
Skilled artists, Romans, civilised 
Romanians today:
-riding a donkey with a bottle of vodka in their hand- YOU CALL ME A VAMPIRE ONE MORE TIME
-tourist whispering: dragostea din tei isn't your song-
-jumps off donkey- YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE-

Looks at traditional male clothing: cleavage, leggings
I'm starting to understand why himaruya gave România an "extra" look

bulgaria: Ro, are you actually gonna buy t h o s e   -judgemental stare-
Romania: what? they're the clothing of my people  QwQ
Bulgaria: .....
Bulgaria: those are leggings from the women's department

(I am a firm believer Ro wears any clothing he likes, no matter what gender they're for. don't come @ me )

Lots of Japanese no's c;

And now a very important announcement
Several Romanians have been laughing at me, and told me there's no sour soup as a typical Romanian dish
but today I can finally prove them wrong
SEE, I'M NOT CRAZYYY - eye twitch-
But I can now say I. finally.ate.sour.soup
f i n a l l y
(actual proof for da haters   uwu)
'how to try românian cuisine even when you're to poor to travel there - a guideline by me' 

This grandpa next to me asked the waitress:
D'you guys have Dracula wine, huhuhuh

Expectations: ooooh, I might understand some of the words they say 
Reality: fuck I forgot what care means
one day I'll be smart  ;w;

Today in things that won't surprise you:
Romanians hate gypsies

person: so John's, what's the weather like
John: those gypsies, I HATE THE-
person: u ok, buddy?
John: sorry, I was going to say sunny. dunno what came over me

educating myself more about which days I can invite myself over to Aly's place to dress up and stuff myself
and friends are family, too
Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten
not even the weird ones    uwu
(this book is about Romanian customs, culture, family life etc. kinda wanted to steal it but imma good girl   uwu )

and now; some pictures of the exhibition
that was the original reason why I made this blog post in the first place
but I kinda get distracted real easily

so in my country Romanians have a reputation as thieves,
but here comes the good part
this exhibition is full of stuff we stole took from Romania

this cute lil gryffin head
 dum duum duuum
another Roman 'bout to steal Daciaaa~
 this lil sad looking head
 where izzz u, pretty place
one day I'll find youuuu
(lol, u can read it on the page lolz)

some sightseeing:
Belgian chocolatesss? sold in Belgium?

To end this blog post:
Romanians dancing

I had too much fun making boomerangs

actual footage of night clubs in Poland when they start playing Pe cimpoi

they sing:
wow, vodka dabei
up we go to pompeiiii

sims language azahfdrytfgyyf


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