zaterdag 11 januari 2020

eu sunt din b*****

So, a certain friend of mine has given me the silent treatment? Why? Because thanks to me she now knows she’s from Br**** (for my own safety, I will not mention the name again)

I got punished for rubbing it ONTO her face (jokes on her, it’s into uwu)
what to do nooooow?
rub it ONto her face even more ofcourse!

Aly: eww
Aly: my hometown’s laich an industrial grey city somewhere in an abandoned corner in England
Aly: sigh//   ugh, so not goth
Aly: that’s okay, I still have my Romanian hometown
-insert dreams about Transylvanian vampire ancestry which will soon be crushed here-
-5 minutes later, after a rather traumatizing conversation with mum-
Aly: m-my … r-rom anian hometown i-is an even m..ore abandoned industrial grey city… i-in an even more rotten corner in Romania
Aly: -eye twitch

(side note: she didn’t cry. goths don’t cry, not cool. besides, you can’t risk ruining your dark make up)

((PLs read the following meme in annoying scaws accent))

Today in family logic:
mum: guess what kids,
mum: we’re moving away from this awful grey city
Aly: where are we going?
mum: to an even more awful grey city
Aly: oh :c ….
mum: but this one has donkeys, more trash and A BLUE CLOCK (located in some tiny park)
Aly:  YAY

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