Day Week In The Life
(you're not really scaws if you can't see the Beatles reference)
warning: long blog post and ugly selfies
Anyways, I thought: hey why not do an unecessary blog post about my life from the past week
April 9th - April 16 (the year was 2018 btw)
'kay so I visited Aarschot (which is a smoll city)
I used to go there because one of my favourite garden centers/stores is there
AND YES, before u ask,
I'm one of those nerds who likes to visit them and I actually like gardening and flowers and plants
Sadly, they have completely changed the garden center (again!) and this time it's not cosy at all :c
my eyes big? naaah
The only thing I actually liked about their new look is this escalator like thingy with the fake trees that kinda look like Sakura
that was pretty fancy
pretty flowers to keep me company while I wait for my bus
(lol yes, I'm insane like Alice in Wonderland and talk to flowers ...)
( ... no worries, nobody stared at me)
'That look when u wanna go outside but you're too lazy to actually walk outside'
whaddya mean, these are only for kids? :c
I finally managed to take pretty selfies
(these are the only pretty selfies in this blog post, so don't get too optimistic)
Later that day I visited my godmother's house and family who were there
also, yaaaaay alcoho-
I- I mean,
alcoholism is bad for you, kids!
for more info, see: scousers
there were so many snacks served =w=
I loved these chocolates
green aesthetic done riiiight bruh
I have finally found books about the navy in our library
(yes, I'm also a nerd about that)
one of the more active days of the week
it was Antwerp timeeee (my love for this city is eternal)
since I have no chill I woke up at 4AM
(weirdly enough, I didn't feel tired later that day)
but it's worth it,
my morning pictures:
Central Station
then I went to the other side of Antwerp for my morning walk
how I see myself:
as a pretty pink flower
a small lake
these flowers
(I never remember their name in English lol oops)
view over the river and city (centre)
back at the other side of the river
there was a tiny bit of wind
tourist pic
a kind-of-sunny day :D
side eye
on top of this museum roof
'ello, do you guys serve sour soup? :3
it was shinier irl :0
I went near the entrance of the zoo and there was this show going on
If my friend can't come to the city, I'll just buy a drink with her name on it and replace her nyahahahaha
jk jk
:3 boaaats :3
I love Friday the 13thhhh <3
always miss this place
central station (outside)
(lol there's that side eye again :3 )
didn't do anything special today, just finished my Layton game
walked 11km :0
aaaand the walk's over
to continue that healthy lifestyle I ordered a big sodaaa afterwards ;D
I liked my casual outfit
cleaned room
also cleaned room, I decided to make a gif
my room was becoming a mess and I had to move a lot of furniture
the rest of the day I've been a loner, hmm let's see
I did the following:
-went to the pharmacy to get my medicine (I've been coughing all week, my lungs are trying to kill me HOORAY)
-visited some stores in town
-sat in the park (again: being a loner)
oh loo, water grass
slowly but surely I will conquer my fear of heights
(lol not really)
'One small step for mankind, one giant leap for Madu'
ok ok, it was only 10 - 15 cm high
but from up there it looked higher I SWEARRRRRrrrrR
when you're sick and mum brings food when you're on the sofa
I think my hair feels sick, too