vrijdag 13 oktober 2017

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them vs. Beatles comparison/ Paul McCartney is Jacob Kowalski theory

Longest. title. ever

So I've watched this film three times now. Twice in about two weeks lol. But before you think I'm crazy (can't blame u tho :))) ), let me explain:
I had to convince/show my friend how good it is (I'm not obsessed hahahaha- hmm -__- if I watch this film one more time I almost know it by heart)

So here I thought: why not compare a film I'm obsessed with with something else I'm obsessed with: Them Beatles
Because the, well, MY meaning of life is comparing everything with Beatles
(my mom didn't have me tested yet, but she probably would if she could)

So here it goes:
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them vs. The Beatles
Ok, first things first: the first thing to do is decide which character would be which Beatle

 (sorry, Paul, there had to be at least one derp pic and and that happens to be you...in every single blog post :3 )

Okay, so let me explain:
- George as Newt:
very introverted, doesn't even look at ppl cuz what if they gonna jugde you ;-;
is very friendly
has the most adorable smile

- John Senpai as Tina:
Very serious most of the time
that one friend that has to save the asses of the others of the group and solve their shit for them almost all the time
the momma friend (momma John <3333 )
always looks like they're judging you

- Ringo as Queenie:
You're adorable, most people love you (except when they're cludi)
chubby guys are into you ;)
beautiful blue eyes, not many can resist them (again: unless they're cludi)
dang u cute girl
u look kawaii, but damn u can also kick ass
very friendly

- Paul as Jacob:
The perfect job for you would be working in/owning a bakery
pastries are love, pastries are life
you're confused/don't know what's going on almost all the time
you're a huge dork, but that's why people love you
u kinda chubby
people can totally 100% seduce u with food

Some random comparison shit:

 'nuff said

Cludi, I didn't know u do crossdressing ... and wear hats?

After a long day, John, mother of three, returns to his children
mummy (John) 's here
(whether he wants to or not)

Paul is Jacob theory

Pretty sure that even in Liverpool you can only find one of those

Oh and something small and random, for those of you who say John didn't look down on Paul:

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