zondag 30 oktober 2016

Kwin - new design

I should have made this a long time ago, but here it is: the new design for teh Kwin uf Lehverpowl.

(It's not finished yet)

The rules of this royal outfit/look:
-always maintain the death stare (the serious look represents the opposite of the Lehverputliehn laifstail)
-the 'V' on the outfit stands for Valentina but also Vintage (as in vintage men)
-the crown (has to be small and silver) is never worn on the middle of the head and always placed askew (because wearing it in a normal way is too mainstream)
-no gloves, but OGM ppl might discover she likes Frozen (so not done when you're a teenager)
-3/4 sleeves
-the skirt part is wider (like the dresses you see in those 18th and 19th century paintings, okay, maybe not THAT wide but still wider than the top
-on the crown there's a small diamond (yet to be drawn) which represents the souls of Blackpudlians and Paul that's stuck in his closet

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