zaterdag 29 oktober 2016


(I can't think of a title)

Since Halloween is near, I decided to do a blog post about Beatles wearing costumes. 'Cause for Scousers, it doesn't have to be Halloween,  to dress up, as demonstrated by the Beatles.

THE proof that Scousers are witches

and the proof that John was witch numero uno

 and this very random photoshoot lol k

Somebody looked very happy XD
 Paul's inner puppy is having an identity crisis. A puppy dressed up as a cat? Huh what

lol idk 'behind the scenes'

idk what's going on here, but they all look very happy
and isn't that what's most important for those who are living teh Lehverputliehn laifstail? Beatles being happy?
'If Battles r heppi sow ehs mi'

Okay, I have no idea what the theme of this photoshoot is
I'm guessing three musketeers?
Plus Paul as errand-boy?

the famous album cover

Yeah, I don't know what's going on either...
I did find this:

So, basically, Paul pretended he didn't know the bus would leave and now Ringo's trapped
poor Ringo can't escape the gayness ;D

If you think you've already seen the scariest picture of John Lennon, think again! least Yoko loves him...even in drag XD

They kinda remind me of the guy from Mary Poppins

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