vrijdag 22 mei 2020


before I start this blog I wanna say that I'm not suspicious of scorps,
in fact, I even said something nice
((but I got ignored lol)

I decided to do a top 3 of Scorps

1. my best friend
   I guess you could say that ... Al is my pal
   (I'm trying very hard not to make scorp jokes, so lame jokes instead sowwy)
2. my good friends M, K, S

3. these celebrities, who inspire us and show that scorpios can escape their emo phase

Bob Ross
not only does he know a lot about colours :0 he also shows emotions

Katy Perry
pretty known for her colourful and playful style.

this poster is in my room. let's just say it's thanks to Katy I found out I'm not straight
Katy to me is what Miley is to Aly
did teenage me crush on a scorpio OFC NOT

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