woensdag 13 mei 2020


bonus points if u find my title funny

Once upon a time there was a language which was different from the others. Romance languaged laughed at it calling it Russian. Slavic languages said it couldn't join their friends group cuz it wasn't qualified enough.
However, Romanian had been warned

linguists: combine slavic and romance?
linguists: I wouldn't go there ...
this group of weird vampires:

How to make your own Romanian?
- add some random latin shit while we're at it
- a with a lil ^ cuz we like to copy French
- but also a with a banana on top of it cuz one special a isn't enough
- make sure your pronunciation is a paîne in the ass for students to learn
(that pun never gets old)
- if there's not at least one word ending in esc(u) in each sentence, then  you're doing something wrong

gotta love these as well

"my tongue's in the hospital. I tried to pronounce sclipicioșilor
 and broke it"

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