donderdag 19 september 2019

Idk, just random spam

It is 11:53pm. Almost Midnight. My liver is craving sangria I mean regularrrr drinks eheheheh. But I can't have those yet.
Cuz first it's time forrr
( 1 like = 1 prayer for George, Ringo and John )

we all know how Scousers are weirdos and random, right?
A certain Scouser (won't mention names, no worries, Alyssa   uwu) had two random requests
1. talk to her ... at night

2. dream a-a-ab-about    -shivers-  ... Paul  ;w;

sh-she wants this evil spirit to -sobs- a-appear in my dreams ;;
not like I never have random Paul visits in my dreams anyway, eheh

this is a random blog post;; meaning there is no planned subject to discuss

oh yeah, ya know what's suspicious
- cludi listens to paul music
- which made her "really happy"
- then she suddenly says "need to go to bed, byeee"
this reminds me of the title of an older blog post of mine

another thing that concerned me was the following:
no to worry,
Scaws Jesus aka the Holy Jawnsus will come and save you,
because he is the saviour of all those (mentally) Scouse
(bonus: not only our saviour a hottie, too)

so, you here thinking to yourself:
'how will John help me with my problem?'
the answer is quite simple:
John will magically steal your boyfriend Paul, John will become Paul's boyfriend but laich no homo, you will no longer see Paul and bam! your obsession will be gone

I will end my blog post with some cringe from last weekend:

I started my weekend by acting like a huge dork
(but I am a huge dork? lol?)
This gehrl may have made a smaaaaaall detour (including tram ride) just to walk down her fav street  :3
I don't have a fav English city noooo nono no
they deceived me ;w; help )

fun fact: some of the most paranoid people live in this lil street XD

Okay, next day:

me: I'm going to a con today. Nothing Scouse or Beatles related today, nooope. Already did that yesterday
- on my way to the con -
person in background: . . . that was in such a Liverpudlian way lol
me: - eye twitch - help

it is now 00:55am

now if you'll excuse me, there's sangria waiting for me. Oh, and if you judge me cuz I drink. Well, I can't help it, I'm mentally Scouse after all   c;

me: so, there's nothing that can cheer u up anymore? not even Paul or ... dolphins? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alyssa: nope, only naps
dolphins in the background:

first no visiting the Black Sea, now this ... oh no   :'c

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